Pro-Gun Advocates Are Just Paranoid!

gunFreedom Outpost – by Tom Wise

“The government is not coming to take your guns.”

True or false? The governments, both Federal and State, are now putting forth proposal after proposal to take guns. Some states are talking bans, confiscation, house-to-house searches. Is this enough evidence that the government is coming to take your guns? No? Let’s see now…

They’re coming to take the AR-15 and AK-47. AR-15 and AK-47 are guns. So they are coming to take guns. Just because certain guns will remain untaken does not alter this fact. Therefore, the statement “the government is not coming to take your guns” is false. They are coming to take someone’s guns.

This is no longer a debate. There is nothing to debate. It’s happening. There is only a decision to make. It is a decision whether or not to comply with fascism. For after they take your guns, they will take your land, your children, and your food. The only thing between you and slavery is the law, and a gun. Since the law no longer seems to matter, your last line of defense will be a gun.

How can I say that the law no longer seems to matter? Let’s talk about “waivers.” If something is illegal for one citizen, it is illegal for all citizens. If the AR-15 ever became illegal, it would be illegal for everyone.This would include the police. Otherwise, we must say that the police are no longer citizens, but the favored few. Now, in New York, citizens cannot own the AR but the police can. Such a waiver is evidence that equitable law no longer matters. Whether we speak of healthcare waivers or gun waivers, it’s the same inequity. Why should the police be able to carry an AR-15 which is forbidden to a citizen? If the answer is “protection” that begs the question, protection from what? Certainly the police are in harm’s way more often than the average citizen. But if the argument is efficacy of the AR-15, the net result is less safety for the citizen. For if the AR-15 is superior protection, why should the citizen accept mediocre? But if the argument is that the police have proper training, this is easily remedied. Simply make proper training a necessary caveat for owning an AR-15. The question of course becomes, “Who says what is ‘proper’ training?” Therefore we come to a fork in the road, where citizens do not trust their representatives, nor should they. History has proven time and again that power corrupts, and creates an elite class. And what is the hallmark of this elite class? That the law does not apply quite as much to them as to the rest of the citizenry.

We know that even our good police can sometimes abuse their power. Should it be that police can speed in their cars because they’re police?

Oh, they can get away with it. But it’s still illegal. The same applies to guns. Should the police be able to use certain guns because they’re police? The police cannot rightfully get a “waiver” to break the law.Nobody can get a “waiver” from what is wrong and right.
One can only get a waiver from the punishment for doing wrong.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I think the police should have the AR-15 or the Joshua Mk5 (shameless plug), but the police should not have weapons which law-abiding citizens cannot have. Otherwise, there is created a favored and elite class. If the law provides a “waiver” only for the police, this is an unbalanced law. We now come to the crux of the matter, which is: Those who benefit from an unbalanced law as this will also enforce that unbalanced law.

The danger here is the threat of fascism. “Waivers” permit the police to use an illegal AR-15 in order to take your AR-15. Their illegal guns will be used to take your legal guns which they have called “illegal.” In other words, the government will take your guns… and keep them for enforcing their wrong and unbalanced law! Such a law is not of the people, but of a fascist government, even a foreign government. For if they follow a different law, they are not of the people, that is, not true citizens. This reasoning is the exact foundation behind the Third and Fourth Amendments.

Now, to paraphrase Olivia Newton-John, let’s get paranoid. Will the communists continue down this road to disarm the individualists? Or will the communists defend the individualists against the fascists? If the communists were to rush to the aid of gun owners, they would seem as heroes. What an emotional coup for the hearts and minds of Americans! The communists protecting gun owners so that gratitude should abound. Such thankfulness for he who would relieve the pressure of this untenable situation! Such allegiance to the man who would appear to protect the Second Amendment! Then, a false sense of security based on an Overton Window paradigm. Many will trade liberty for the security of owning their guns once again, and big government will have proved its point; that it alone grants the right to bear arms.

Not paranoid enough for you? What about the latest bill to emerge from Washington State? Without warrant, the sheriff can come to your house to check for guns? In other words, they can pass into law anything they want? I imagine them saying, “Take it up with the Supreme Court.” Shoot first and ask questions later? No! The Constitution demands a warrant to search any house. The Constitution demands probable cause for that warrant.
We are innocent until proven guilty. Is probable cause that I own a gun? Shall I be searched without a warrant? Am I presumed guilty first?

This is breach of the Constitution. If any politician knowingly breaches the Constitution, it is treason. What will the people of Washington State do? At the very least, one would think nullification of the law, and recall of the traitors. But in this one case the so-called representatives “thankfully” own up to their error. And so the people will sigh with relief and go back to sleep.

I could go on and on, but listen, none of this is really happening. It’s all a big misunderstanding and we’re overreacting. No one is proposing an endless money supply from the Federal Reserve. No one is proposing to cut our nuclear weapons arsenal. No one is running guns from Libya to Syria. No one is running guns in Mexico in order to make our borders less secure. No one is going to fly drones over your neighborhood. No one is teaching your children that capitalism is bad. There is no communist in the White House, and no one is coming to get your guns.

You’re just paranoid.

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11 thoughts on “Pro-Gun Advocates Are Just Paranoid!

  1. The people in Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia were paranoid too. No one really wanted to take away their right to self-defense.

    1. Russia, yes.

      Germany, no.

      The German Nationals were very well armed. Hitler only took the guns away from the so-called ‘jews’, and the communists, and communist sympathizers (and rightfully so).

      1. “Hitler only took the guns away from the so-called ‘jews’, and the communists, and communist sympathizers (and rightfully so).”
        Even if you are right, (about who he “only” took guns from) you are so wrong!
        Hitler, Feinstein, Obama, George III, “you” can decide who should and should not be allowed to defend themselves.
        Oh man, we are screwed.

        1. No, I am so right.

          You are obviously laboring under the delusion created by the Zionist AshkeNAZI so-called ‘jews’ that Hitler was a monster that killed 6 million ‘jews’. LIES & PROPAGANDA! Still believe there were gas chambers in the so-called ‘death camps’? MORE LIES & PROPAGANDA!

          I’ll tell you this much, if we had a president with half the nationalist pride and goals that Hitler had, we wouldn’t be killing innocent people overseas with drones, or be in wars in the Middle East that we have no business being in, and we DEFINITELY wouldn’t be run by those stinking bloodsucking scumbag so-called’JEWS’!!!

          1. I am not under any delusions, I do my own research and am well aware of the jewish influence. I am fully aware of the BS about Hitler and the NAZIs.
            Why not address my point, I do not want anyone (including you) to define who, how and when my right to defend myself should be curtailed.By not recognizing the jews and communists rights, you negate all rights.
            You cannot then complain when they (or others) deny your rights.
            “No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him.” — Thomas Jefferson
            “Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into 
it, not this year but later…” (The Jewish Emil Ludwig, Les
Annales, June, 1934)
            “We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.” — Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast)
            “We made a monster, a devil out of Hitler. Therefore we couldn’t disavow it after the war. After all, we mobilized the masses against the devil himself. So we were forced to play our part in this diabolic scenario after the war. In no way we could have pointed out to our people that the war only was an economic preventive measure.” — US foreign minister James Baker (1992)
            You are just as scary as as the grabbers, you just want to be the one to identify the persecuted.

      2. “.By not recognizing the jews and communists rights, you negate all rights.”


        Any rights they may have been entitled to ENDED with their decision to implement an agenda specifically designed to deny me, my family, my friends, and fellow patriots the right to exist in peace. They will settle for nothing less than our total enslavement, or our deaths. By their own machinations they have declared themselves to be enemies of God, and of free peoples everywhere.

        I think I speak for the vast majority who post here that we WILL NOT be denied our right to freedom, OR our right to exist.

        As far as I’m concerned your asinine statement borders on treason.

        Take your communist, Zionist, so-called ‘jew’ loving @ss elsewhere if you intend to continue to defend communists and ‘jews’, because this reply is mild compared to what I’m capable of.

  2. “I could go on and on, but listen, none of this is really happening. It’s all a big misunderstanding and we’re overreacting. No one is proposing an endless money supply from the Federal Reserve. No one is proposing to cut our nuclear weapons arsenal. No one is running guns from Libya to Syria. No one is running guns in Mexico in order to make our borders less secure. No one is going to fly drones over your neighborhood. No one is teaching your children that capitalism is bad. There is no communist in the White House, and no one is coming to get your guns.

    You’re just paranoid.”

    PHEW!!! I guess it really was just me being paranoid. Ok. Just let me take my blue pill and I’ll go back to sleep now. (sarcasm)

  3. funny thing… The government is armed to the teeth! They are gun advocates. Doesn’t that automatically make them paranoid? They kill innocent people all around the world but it is O.K. because they say so. They steal our money with the bankers and that is O.K.???

    1. But it’s the government jon. They are professionals. Of course they are not paranoid. They know better. They know what’s best for everyone.

      (Major Sarcasm reporting for duty, SIR!) lol

  4. NWO hater is correct. Only party members and those that only followed orders were allowed to have guns in NSDAP Germany. A fun fact for the ‘noids: the 1968 gun control act is a direct copy of the Nazi gun control act.

  5. Well, all I have to say is just this: LET THAT BLACK CRACKER SHERIFF of SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Washington, ~ATTEMPT~ TO PULL-OFF any such crap, and THERE =WILL= BE LOTS OF =D=E=A=D= bodies, and they will =ALL= be on =HIS= soul, not that he has one anymore … Having sold his soul to Mr. Scratch long ago.

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