Propaganda Alert: Gun lobbyist courted by Ted Cruz calls for Obama’s assassination

Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt (Screenshot)Raw Story – by Travis Gettys

Gun lobbyist Larry Pratt has proposed a Second Amendment solution for lawmakers with whom he disagrees, and now he wants gun owners to train their sights on President Barack Obama.

“The Second Amendment was designed for people just like the president and his administration,” Pratt told right-wing radio host Roger Fredinburg.  

Right Wing Watch reported that Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, understood his apparent call for the assassination of the president might create a stir.

“If the New York Times and the Rolling Stone, and whoever else wants to have a hissy fit – yes, our guns are in our hands for people like those in our government right now that think they want to go tyrannical on us, we’ve got something for them,” Pratt said. “That’s what it’s all about.”

Pratt, who has also called for a Second Amendment solution to anti-gun pundit Piers Morgan, made the comments in April during a discussion about an attempt by Congress to ban armor-piercing bullets.

“The Second Amendment is not about hunting, it’s not about target shooting – it’s about Democrats who want to take our rights,” he said.

Despite his periodic calls to threaten elected officials with gun violence and ties to white supremacists, Pratt enjoys a position of influence in Republican politics.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) drew criticism for agreeing to take part in a conference call with Gun Owners of America last week, and the group plans to quiz other GOP candidates on their unwavering support of anything gun-related.

7 thoughts on “Propaganda Alert: Gun lobbyist courted by Ted Cruz calls for Obama’s assassination

  1. If this had been some everyday Joe Shmow tweeting this the FBI and Secret Service would be all over him like a cheap suit. So why aren’t they going after Larry Pratt? Because they won’t go after one of their own. I’d bet five zollars Pratt is CIA. Of course I have no proof of that theory….but the best way to control the opposition is to CONTROL the opposition.

  2. what worries me, is the jews executing barry, and then blaming some poor white schmuck in order for confiscation to begin. oh what the hell. COME GET EM ASSHOLES!

  3. Wow, tapping into the hatred towards Obama, Cruz thinks he’s going to “Cruise” to the Whitehouse on the wetbacks of his constituents. Unbelievable, vilify your own guy to make the next crook look like the lipstick is already installed.

  4. He didn’t call for anyone’s assassination, or he’d already be in jail. He’s only interpreting the intention of the second article, and expressing his opinion of the current administration.

    But of course, sensationalist headlines always sell.

  5. “The Second Amendment is not about hunting, it’s not about target shooting – it’s about Democrats who want to take our rights,” he said.”


    That’s not even a half truth!

    Call a spade a spade, or you’ll get no respect from me.

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