‘Proud’ to be an American – Really?

Published on Feb 25, 2014 by Realist Report

We are very proud of the founding principles that America was built upon: limited government, God given rights, free enterprise, sound currency, and a Christian-based moral code. What we are deeply ashamed of, is not what America was supposed to be, but rather, what it has become.

Love for your folk and country is patriotic. Love for a government of murderous psychopaths is not.




10 thoughts on “‘Proud’ to be an American – Really?

  1. *** We are very proud of the founding principles that America was built upon: limited government, God given rights, free enterprise, sound currency, and a Christian-based moral code. What we are deeply ashamed of, is not what America was supposed to be, but rather, what it has become. ***

    I can’t watch the video right now, but the above words summarize my views perfectly.

  2. “Love for your folk and country is patriotic. Love for a government of murderous psychopaths is not.”

    The utter STUPIDITY required to literally IDOLIZE these freaks is beyond my comprehension.

  3. My Fellow Americans:

    This video is a good excerpt of showing how Americans, who have been brain-washed and manipulated, slaughter people around the world.

    What the video does NOT show,… is the Zionist-Jews who orchestrate the manipulation,…. nor does it show the far GREATER swaths of death and destruction left in the wake of Zionist-jews around this planet, all in their never-ending quest to slake their insatiable lust for murder, money, and madness.

    It also fails to thank the likes of the Brown’s, Harriman’s, Carnegies, Melons, Morgan’s, Warburg’s, Rockefellar’s, the Rothchilds, and of course the Rothchild franchise for Global-Terrorism,… Israel.

    JD – US Marines – Funny how this video over-looks those nagging little details.


    1. The video was posted on sites that do expose those perpetrators. Perhaps they took it for granted that their readers would already know. But thank you for pointing out that the vid, on its own, does not go the distance: the naming of names.

      1. HI galen,

        It’s a good video to show the true nature of American hypocrisy.

        The fact they were manipulated into those heinous acts is no excuse for them,.. they are guilty,… period. I would simply like the manipulators always included in any such expose’, as they are usually the even bigger monsters, with a more nefarious agenda, and even greater blood lust than the actual executioners is all I’m am trying to highlight.

        Other than that,… I feel it did not go far enough to show the true magnitude of slaughter,… “American Style!”, but an excellent start.

        JD – US Marines – I’m the first to recognize,… it is somewhere between difficult-to-impossible to capture all these ideas, hidden agendas, manipulators, and scale of horror in a single video, so every legitimate effort is to be praised and thanked.


        1. Thanks, JD. I understand and certainly agree. One wants to scream, “Stop fighting Israel’s wars,” but even that is too vague. Centuries long agenda of aggression and deceit. A good thing more and more are seeing through it. Thanks for spreading courage. One day freedom.

  4. And folks wonder why the US is cursed (as is Israel of course).. and since there are folks who one would normally expect to know better SUCH AS MY OWN HUSBAND WHO THINKS IT WAS OKAY TO NUKE HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI (despite the fact that me and my daughter thinks it was terrible), all I can say is WE DESERVE TO BE CURSED!

    And, as much as I hate to see innocent puppies being slaughtered, you show most Americans this video and I can nearly guarantee it, most Americans will only show sympathy for that puppy–to hell with the babies, children, old folks and all the rest of the innocent civilians (and even the German soldiers–no way did these folks deserve to be starved and whatnot).

    Finally, I will say something that many on here may not agree with but I will say it anyway. It isn’t merely a matter of brainwashing that would cause most Americans to support these atrocities–it is a matter of the feeling or superiority to “the Japs” or “the Gooks” or whatever Just as “poor white trash” felt “superiority” to “niggers” or just as “sepoys” of India felt “superior” to “untouchables” of India–folks, it isn’t being “American” that causes this, it is feeling “superior” that causes this–and yes, no one feels more “superior” than Jews!

    But remember–GOD IS NO RESPECTOR OF PERSONS! (it’s in the Bible somewhere…)

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