Quoting, I Jus’ have to reiterate his nutshell

“It’s time to end the lockdown, effective immediately. This ‘live exercise’ coronavirus hoax has gone on long enough. We’ve been tricked and trapped with lies. Freedom and rights must be demanded and taken, not meekly begged for. When will self-respect and anger kick in? How much longer are people going to act like sheeple? No virus or emergency cancels our rights. It’s time to end the lockdown. We have cooperated with our own enslavement for too long already.

The government has lied to trap us, yet again. ENOUGH! End the lockdown. End the f*cking lockdown now! It’s time to wake up and rise up. We have allowed this fake pandemic, this coronavirus hoax and this absurd lockdown to go far too long already. We have been deceived. We have allowed authorities to become tyrants. We have swallowed whole the fairy tale lies of a new killer virus, a new invisible enemy and a new war on bioterrorism. We have allowed panic, irrationality and fear to run our minds and our societies. We have gladly handed over precious rights and freedoms. We have crawled to officials and begged them to save us. We have meekly accepted ridiculous rule after ridiculous rule, wearing inane masks (that don’t even prevent germs from entering our mouths) and partaking in asinine OCD behaviors. We have accepted house arrest, virtual martial law and massive restrictions on our intrinsic, inherent or God-given (whichever word you prefer) rights. We have allowed governments to restrict our ability to gather, to assemble, to move, to trade, to work, to shop, to live normal lives – FOR WHAT? For a unproven disease that is no worse than the seasonal flu? WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED! This has got to stop – now! The Simple Truth: There is No Virus – Let this simple truth sink in for a moment.”
— Makia Freeman, 4/14/20

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