Radio Station Reports UN Vehicles Entering Chicago, Gets Taken Off The Air

Published on Dec 19, 2017

Matt Dubiel joins Alex Jones and Roger Stone live to break down how his radio station was mysteriously silenced from the airwaves while broadcasting Infowars talking about UN Troops in Chicago.

7 thoughts on “Radio Station Reports UN Vehicles Entering Chicago, Gets Taken Off The Air

  1. wheres the video proving this?
    the vehicles and people…

    now understand im not disputing this at this time , i dont trust the government so it highly possible ,, but I need real proof , not Alex The shill Jones and his players saying its so

    we have to have some trenchers on the ground there that can shed some reality on this ,,, right?

    1. Yes, Enemy, you’re absolutely right.

      Some real evidence of any of this actually happening should definitely precede the fear-monger’s expected panic.

    2. Exactly!!! Video or it DIDN’T HAPPEN!!!
      Just like the North Korean missiles…millions of people in Japan and not a single video or photo?!? Really?? A small meteorite streaks across the Siberian sky and within an hour there are hundreds of dashcam videos on YouTube…but not a peep our of Japan? I’m calling BULLSHIT on that and also on this UN crap.

    3. “wheres the video proving this?”

      My first (AND the most obvious) question as well, EotS.

      Especially considering the reliability (NOT!) of this @ssclown shill.

    4. Must be November 4th…oh wait… Knowing AJ posted this really makes me think he’s just making that up. For the sake of Chicagoans, I hope so.

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