Residents of Oakridge stranded with no access to water, food or power

KVAL 13 News

OAKRIDGE, Ore. — With Highway 58 still largely impassible due to issues on the road, the town of Oakridge is cut off from help.

The town has no power, meaning gas stations and grocery stores are closed, and Lane Electric says power may not be restored for another week.  

We spoke with a family from the town today who said neighbors are huddling together around folks who have propane-fueled generators to stay warm.

But with services out, they say that won’t last long, and they’re worried about what will be happen if things become desperate.

“You can’t get a hold of water, you can’t get a hold of food, you can’t get a hold of any sort of fuel to create heat or to cook with,” said Christina Mentzer, and Oakridge resident. “So people are looking for propane, people are looking for gasoline, people are looking for water. Today they’re asking, but as of right now essentially what’s going on is they’re going around town finding where they can get stuff if it gets that bad.”

Mentzer continues to say if they were able to get a generator over to power a propane station, the town would at least be able to get by until power is restored.

We reached out to Oakridge Police Department and didn’t receive a response, and Lane County Sheriff’s Office tell us there’s little they can do until highway 58 is cleared.

3 thoughts on “Residents of Oakridge stranded with no access to water, food or power

  1. Dam there no one there that preps , firewood , boiling water can help , close off room not being used heating can goods should not be hard . Dam I have lived. For a few week doing outback camping it not hard

  2. Why cant they melt snow ? That’s damn good source of water right? What about shooting game, birds etc.?

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