Road Pirates the Conclusion

I had reached out to several news outlets trying to seek assistance with the ridiculous “administrative fees” that I was being charged by NJ EZ-Pass on behalf of the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission.

Only one returned my e-mail, Karin Price Mueller from She inquired about why I was charged these fees when 79,000 other people on the NJ Turnpike never received their first notices and were being wrongfully charged similar late fees (they have all since been waived and/or refunded).

Her contact at NJ EZ-Pass told her that the processing error that occurred on the NJ Turnpike was different from my case as mine was from the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission and not part of the other case. The contact also told Karin that the original notices were sent to my address in New Jersey on May 14th and 15th, and that since they weren’t paid within thirty days, the administrative fees ($120) were valid and that only the one fee of $30 was waived “as a courtesy”.

When I asked Karin if I should take NJ EZ-Pass to small claims court, she said her contact at NJ EZ-Pass suggested that I call a customer service manager (Denise DeSante) and see what could be done.

I explained how I have been having my mail forwarded to my Pennsylvania address since November of 2019, so I don’t know why the originals weren’t forwarded unless they weren’t sent out first class mail as first class is the only mail the post office will forward.

Denise agreed to take my word about not receiving the first notices and is having all four $30 fees waived within the next seven to ten days.

I realize that $90 seems like a small amount to some people, but for me, it is a large sum.

4 thoughts on “Road Pirates the Conclusion

  1. Great to hear it got resolved, Sunfire. Any amount is too large when you don’t owe it and especially when it’s the State robbing you.

        1. I was raised in the way that when you intentionally do something wrong, you man up and pay the price. In this case, the main thing that enraged me was the injustice, along with the ridiculousness of the fees. $124 for $4 in tolls? Bullshit. Part of me believes that the fees were waived because of the threat of being taken to small claims court. I was going to ask for the fine amount, filing and court fees, and money for my time and travel. Their “attorneys” would not be allowed in small claims court. I’m glad they made the right decision.

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