Russian American Officers Association

The purposes of existence of the Russian American Officers Association and what it strives for are as follows:

1. To create unity, facilitate camaraderie and promote the general welfare among Association members;
2. To encourage networking and fraternity within the Association;

3. To promote professional interests and advancement of Russian American law enforcement officers;
4. To promote the repute of Russian Americans in law enforcement;
5. To create a bond and working relationship between the New York City Police Department and the Association;
6. To inform and educate immigrants within the Russian American community of relevant laws, encourage reporting of crime and promote cooperation with law enforcement.

8 thoughts on “Russian American Officers Association

  1. These assholes ought to be driven out of this country and back to the Soviet Union….

  2. Russia=Israel=Washington DC
    But that don’t include you and me
    American Nationals
    Will fight to break free
    See ya Sergei
    But you don’t see me…
    A short poem by Longshotfellow

  3. Ignore all the BS and just add them to the list of targets.

    1. To create unity, facilitate camaraderie and promote the general welfare among Association members;
    2. To encourage networking and fraternity within the Association;

    3. To promote professional interests and advancement of Russian American law enforcement officers;
    4. To promote the repute of Russian Americans in law enforcement;
    5. To create a bond and working relationship between the New York City Police Department and the Association;
    6. To inform and educate immigrants within the Russian American community of relevant laws, encourage reporting of crime and promote cooperation with law enforcement.

    Do you believe any of this for a minute? I’m tired of endless lies and rhetoric. Kill ’em all.

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