Shots Fired At Ferguson Market After CNN Broadcasts Fake News and Edited CCTV Footage…

The Conservative Treehouse – by Sundance

As we shared last night, CNN is promoting a highly charged false claim about new, heavily edited CCTV footage from the Ferguson Liquor Market on the night before Mike Brown was shot and killed.  We have thoroughly deconstructed the lies HERE.  

CNN is promoting this fake documentary, “Stranger Fruit“,  that uses heavily edited footage of an earlier Mike Brown visit to the store.  According to the documentary Mike Brown was exchanging marijuana for store product at 1:13am the night (early morning) prior to his return and strong arm robbery of the same store.  The footage is edited to give the appearance of store employees accepting weed as barter for product.  This is false.

Secondarily, the producer of the video, Jason Pollock, is claiming the police never released the earlier in the day CCTV footage and instead tried to hide it.  Again, this is false.  Both the Grand Jury and the FBI were given -and reviewed- all of the CCTV footage including footage from the 1:13am visit.   However, CNN is promoting the falsehoods by the documentary producers in an effort to stir trouble.

Well, their collective antagonism worked:

FERGUSON –  Shortly before midnight, 7 or 8 shots were heard from an area across the street from the market. There appeared to be no injuries. Someone stuffed a rag in the gas tank of a police car, but the damage was minor.  (read more)

As previously shared, these events are entirely based on Fake News.  The claims by the documentary producers are false:

December 2014 – Grand Jury evidence shows that Mike Brown was one of a group of three people who went to the Ferguson Liquor Market at 1:13am on the same day as the shooting. The Grand Jury saw CCTV evidence of his visit approximately 10 hours before the cigarillo robbery at the same locale – this would have been overnight between Friday 8/8 and Saturday 8/9/14.


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