Shylock’s Masterpiece — “The Crime of 1873.”

Edward Hewes Gordon Clark

How silver was demonetized in the United States, in such a way that even the President who signed the bill[1] knew nothing about it for two years, was long a mystery.  Of late, a good deal of nauseous courtesy has been wasted over it, among old party-hacks, in the Senate and elsewhere.  But there is very little doubt that this deadly drain upon our life-blood — this vampire-suck at the daily sustenance of every man, woman and child in the land — was bought and paid for, like the ooze of a slaughter-house, by the Bank of England and the Jews of FrankfortThere is very little doubt that a retained financial adviser of European bankers, bondholders, and bullion-dealers, was sent from London to Washington, with half a million dollars in hand, and a million more at his back, to pay American politicians, who make our laws, to assassinate our interests.  There is very little doubt that this smooth, able foreigner, succeeded in his work — that he found what he sought as readily as if he had been looking for pigs in a sty.  There is very little doubt that with British gold — cheap for cash — he procured an American betrayal of the American people as detestable as that of Calvary and the Cross.

Let us begin at the beginning of this plot — which the syndicate of Mammon who ride our Eastern press have forbidden their footmen to publish, but which, for the purpose of further suppression, now that the murder is partly out, these ink-pots of mendacity allude to, when they must, as “fictions of ancient history.”

Thirty-two years ago, when the South rose in rebellion, and when the Shylock dragoons of the North shouldered their crowbars to break into the National Treasury, these fat soldiers of the jimmy and the dark-lantern not only understood themselves, but they were perfectly understood by their like beyond the Atlantic.  So, in the autumn of 1862, a “confidential circular” was issued by an agent of European Capitalists to American bankers.  The name of the agent was Hazard, and his Satanic production is known as

Read the rest here:

One thought on “Shylock’s Masterpiece — “The Crime of 1873.”

  1. Thanks so much GrayRider. Keep them coming. This one is going to take me a day or two to get through. I’ve been thinking about the topic of money for a long time. So far this is what I’ve come up with:

    – People should be able to use whatever they want for money.
    – Governments should be extremely limited in what they are allowed to use for money. (That is if we allow governments to exist at all.)

    This is a topic that we need to hammer on the Trenches and there are probably very few of us here who have any idea where to even start. More please.


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