Sick Writing Assignment Gets Teacher Fired In New York City

By Greg Byrnes – PJ Media

What do you think of these questions given to seventh-grade students at the Middle Village Prep Charter School in Queens County, New York? These are questions they were told to ask one another. And they were asked to write about them.

“5. On an airplane, you are talking pleasantly to a person of average appearance. Unexpectedly, the person offers you $10,000 for one night of sex. Knowing there is no danger and that payment is certain, would you accept the offer?

14. What are your feelings about killing a handicapped child at birth?

19. What has been the worst sexual experience of your life?”

“These questions are disturbing. They caused a lot of stress to students, especially to my child,” said one of the parents. Indeed!

There was no comment from the school except a letter to parents saying the unidentified teacher was fired. “Due to this negligence, the teacher was dismissed…The safety and well-being of our students are our top priorities.”

Negligence? What do you say, “Sorry I was negligent in not deleting my sexual fantasies and psychopathic tendencies from my writing assignments?” Or maybe, “I was negligent in not being more subtle in grooming my students.”

The parent who commented to the press was not happy, “Promoting violence, sexual content, to middle schoolers…they are so young 11,12,13 years old. Very impressionable. I’ve never seen something like this. I’m shocked. I’m disgusted. I feel that, ya know, students are not safe in schools now.”

Yes, the “it is sick out there and getting sicker” moniker seems to aptly apply to this teacher. This is a person assigned to educate and form the character of 10, 11, and 12-year-old students. And seriously, at what age do you turn to another student, essentially a stranger, and ask sexual questions?

This isn’t forming character, it is deforming it. It is part of the process of breaking down the natural reticence and modesty of the young so you can vulgarize them earlier and earlier. Why? Because a country run by citizens who think not with their brains but with what is between their legs is easy to manipulate.

Between this and the pot stink that envelopes “New Pot City” we are entering the territory Aldous Huxley outlined in that book every student should read while in school,  “Brave New World.”

In 1912 a college across the river from New York City in New Jersey was looking for an inscription to put on a building and came up with, “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” Outraged parents in Queens want to know what this teacher was trying to teach and exactly what this teacher was trying to learn.

In North Carolina, if homeschooling were counted as a school district, it would be the largest in that state. Cases like this are causing many parents to opt-out. The good news is that because this is a charter school, the teacher was quickly removed.

Perhaps in days of yore, this type of teacher would have been brought up on criminal charges or at least put in public stocks in front of the school for 30 days. One hopes the teacher has wised up and, in a nod to the guilty of long ago, taken a vow of silence and entered a monastery to do a lifetime of penance. Well, at least they lost their job.

In an age of child molestation, grooming, and the murder of young children by abortion, there is no reason to believe justice is neglected when mercy is not sought. On a much higher authority, one can say, “And if anyone hurts the conscience of one of these little ones, that believe in me, he had better have been cast into the sea, with a millstone about his neck.” – Mark 9:14″

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