‘Sovereign citizen’ killed by Ohio deputies

Israel Rondon (Cuyahoga County Sheriff)RT News

An attempt to service an arrest warrant turned deadly in Middleburg Heights, Ohio, when a self-described “sovereign citizen” was killed in a shootout with local deputies.

The incident involved 65-year-old Israel Rondon, who had been convicted of carrying concealed weapons without a permit and of assaulting a police officer. As a proclaimed sovereign citizen, however, Rondon believed strictly in limited to no government and did not consider himself subject to federal, state, or municipal law.  

After pleading no contest to his charges, Rondon was sentenced to two years of probation. According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Rondon used a rifle and opened fire on six deputies when they arrived at his home Tuesday intending to serve an arrest warrant related to a probation violation. Two deputies returned fire, with one striking Rondon in the head and killing him.

Although Rondon complained that his Second and 14th Amendment rights had been violated and had filed numerous lawsuits against various government agencies – sometimes seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in damages – standby counsel attorney Jeffrey James called him a “true libertarian”and seemed to express surprise at the idea he’d be violent.

“His views weren’t always cogent, and they were somewhat convoluted,” James told the Plain Dealer. “But did I feel threatened or did anyone in the court feel threatened? No. I never felt threatened by Israel. He was just an old man who had his views.”

“He basically believed in no government,” he added. “He just didn’t really put any faith or credit into any government.”

The FBI considers sovereign citizens to be part of a “domestic terrorist movement,” with well-known members like Terry Nichols, one of the convicted conspirators in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

However, the acting supervisory special agent for the FBI’s Cleveland division, Jake Ruddy, told local ABC affiliate WEWS that sovereign citizens are not necessarily a cause for alarm.

“General public should not necessarily be concerned of sovereign citizens as a whole,” he said, “but the general public does have a right to be concerned about any segment of our society that brings violence, exercises violence and break federal and state laws.”

As for Rondon himself, his sister Edna told WEWS he “wasn’t a criminal.”

“I know he was a good man,” she said.


31 thoughts on “‘Sovereign citizen’ killed by Ohio deputies

  1. They want us all dead, because we pose a threat to their agenda, because we are rebels and don’t stand for them raping our rights that GOD has given us, not man. No man has given me the right to be here, only my Creator, and when this country was founded, certain men saw to it that the Constitution and Bill of Rights held up those laws. I am getting really, really tired of their take over, and I feel we don’t have long. MOLON LABE!! I am a waiting! They need to understand, we are watching them, and we are so very angry and oh so very armed.

  2. Hmmm….,fbi statement:“but the general public does have a right to be concerned about any segment of our society that brings violence, exercises violence and break federal and state laws.” ,would that not to a large degree be our supposed law enforcement officers actions?!I will say,they came to his property and were fired upon,if story true can see em firing back.The real problem is the original charges against him,I need a constitutional scholar/professor /lawyer as I see nothing in the 2nd about firearm permits.

  3. Missy & Bulldog,

    I was thinking about what Henry said earlier this afternoon regarding how “Mexican Nationals” are being signed up for 0 care, and how they refer to us as “citizens”
    Second class citizens. I have never heard of we American Nationals referred to as such. Ever! We are always labeled as “citizens” or “tax payers”, and on the very rare occasion “the American people”.

    Now, if anyone calls them selves a “Sovereign Citizen”, it is equated to being a terrorist.

    They want us to accept that we are citizens, because that means we are 14th amendment slaves in their eyes. You’re right, Henry’s right. They want us dead. They want the cheap Mexican labor. Hence the reason they are busing them up here so fast. Those Georgia Guide stones that J.D. mentioned also make sense and put the pieces of the puzzle into view. Eliminate 95% of us, keep the Mexicans to keep things running until the robots take over.

    I haven’t got their sick minds completely figured out. But how sick do they have to be to want to just wipe nearly everyone off the face of the planet? What kind of life after we are gone do they expect to live?

    I don’t know what I’m trying to say here with a new outrage that occurs everyday, but I’ll just leave it with this: The more a person just wants to be left alone to live their life in peace, the harder they come at you. The last couple of witnesses are proof, we can’t ask James Boyd or Isreal Rondon, because they were murdered (as you said Bulldog) by wanna be soldiers in a war that they have declared on us. Even if they never formally announced it.

    1. Deb,
      You need to write an article about this subject to from the trenches. You are beyond awake. Your insight would be an asset to all . I cant add anything to what you wrote other than AMEN.

  4. Thanks Bulldog. Sometimes it’s so hard to tap into everything my brain has absorbed, starting with the original 9/11/90 speech that Pappy Bu$h made about the NWO. I remember it so clearly, because my husband taped over the baby videos of my girls to get it on record. One of these days, hopefully in the not too distant future I can untangle some of the spaghetti, get a couple of brain cells to fire up and write something that will make some sense.

    1. Deb,
      Start putting it down in an article. Don’t post it until you are ready. I tend to post it before I think. I write out of anger.
      You have a lot of good info and insight that the folks on trenches can use.

      1. I’m already saving some of my thoughts to my version of word. It gives me some time to organize before I would publish. I too have a tendency to post angry, just look at a post that I had Henry publish about my husband and the irs. I was irate when I did that. I could of made that so much more eloquent, but did it on the fly out of anger.

        I’ll get it together. I have to say, you and Missy are great. I love the show that you two put together, and you are so comfortable talking on the radio including the Militia Town Meetings. Tonight didn’t go well, but that is to be expected when commies are feeling threatened.

        Have a great night. I’m off to get some shut eye.

  5. I wonder if he really “shot a the cops” but just showed his rifle? Anybody know for sure? They kinda say he wasn’t a threatening type.

    1. Why I have pushed folks to have their property on camera,let folks know and have recorders,hell,even with button push live feed on web,then,with friends or feed the truth comes out,or at least a better chance the truth comes out.

      1. James, i live in a relatively safe hood, here in south Lafayette, LA. We installed cameras around the perimeter, why, so we could see what was going on. They are recorded to a device, and never on the internet, never. Once you upload to the net, then anyone has access. I need my access to myself, not anybody else. It is all recorded, period.

        1. Missy,on the ugly chance you do not survive,well,the world needs to know truth,why I let freinds know and have access.

      2. Evening James,

        I’m with Missy. I have camera’s on my property as well, and I will not connect them to the internet. They are on record for my use only.

        There was an article posted on here not too long ago, about how the police wanted access to private home cameras. Nope. Not going to happen

        If anything nefarious happens, I can choose to upload the videos to whatever resource I wish, but it’s all on record.

        1. Deb,think about it,could be me helping the princess Kate escape indoctrination,hence,no farm yard animals blushing or chickens barking like dogs in jealousy without record?Bollocks I say!!You need to look at the positives of such a system!Really though,don’t survive,want it out there for the world to see,let your demise be a wake up call to others.

          1. OMG James 🙂 I’m laughing so hard right now, because I read your comment very early this morning about saving Kate like in the fairy tales. I meant to respond. I wanted to tell you that if you kissed her, she might turn into a frog. LOL

            I save my SD cards to a safe place, and they will be published in case I don’t make it.

            If you find Kate and save her on my property amongst the chickens and my dogs, you will most certainly be a superstar! *grin*

  6. You have to realize that a costume and a badge gives them rights one would not ordinarily have. That same costume and badge absolves them of accountability for their actions.

    1. Good evening frost jack,

      you should post some articles from Mark Stevens here on the trenches if you wish to educate. Some may find the information useful.

      1. How about a post from Robert Louis Stevenson ?“You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us”As for the princess being kissed /hence turning into a frog,well,we know how that turns out!The next thing you know confused barnyard animals/chickens not barking,damn,a hell of a sexuality confused mess!I am a believer in freedom but come on!Time for the princess to ride into the sunset with me!Argh,wait,she is a mum,nothing personal but back to the archives with her,went to great medical lengths to avoid all this!

          1. Deb,no apology necc. at all,did not do/say anything to offend me,enjoy the weekend as you look upon the state of freedom so close and yet so far!How is the little pup doing,ready for a boisterous spring I hope.

  7. Unfortunately, this final page in Israel Rondon’s story was not caught on camera (like his Court appearances), so we will never know how this police raid went down. However, it is HIGHLY unlikely that Rondon fired the first shot; if he even had the timely opportunity to resist.

    It was the same type of Governmental intervention that happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco. RIP sir.

    1. “They will be coming for you too.”

      A Mr. Obvious moment ?

      Did you just arrive at that conclusion, Defender, or are you new to this website? Yes, you are correct, we can all consider this as an eleventh-hour wake-up call. TPTB have already fired the first shot… more than once.

  8. “Rondon believed strictly in limited to no government and did not consider himself subject to federal, state, or municipal law.”

    RT news is trying to make “sovereign citizens” look like anarchists, who believe the law doesn’t apply to them, when that’s not the case. Sovereign citizens only believe that the illegal laws made by the corporate U.S. don’t apply to them unless they enter into their contract, and they’re right.

    1. When you think about it, JR; it really doesn’t matter if it’s Russia, China, Europe, or the United States subjugating a smaller Sovereign Nation, or a domestic Sovereign Citizen. The World Powers are all in bed together and reading off the same play script; regardless of the daily hate talk and saber rattling being regurgitated by the MSM.

      TPTB also have the same goal: a Centralized World Governmental Authority [aka: UN] over whomever survives the coming onslaught of mass genocide (my opinion).

      BTW: It’s very hard to sugar-coat our circumstances.

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