Stop the Spectra pipeline.

To be delivered to: Mayor Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, Christine Quinn, Speaker, New York City Council, New York City Council, The New York State House, The New York State Senate and 3 other targets (click here to see more)

The Spectra Pipeline, a high-pressure gas pipeline under construction in Manhattan’s West Village, slated to go online in November 2013, poses a grave and immediate risk to New York residents.  

Construction of this pipeline puts corporate profits ahead of the health and safety of New York residents.

The high level of radon present in the gas that would be transmitted by the Spectra Pipeline from the Marcellus Shale into the homes and businesses of New Yorkers is a serious threat to public health.

In 2010 a pipeline of similar diameter and pressure exploded in suburban San Bruno, California, destroying an entire neighborhood and killing eight people. An explosion of that magnitude in densely populated Manhattan would cause incalculable loss of life and property and would devastate the city.

Building this pipeline will make New York City further dependent upon fossil fuels that poison our water, pollute our air and threaten catastrophic climate change. This will also discourage New York from making the urgently needed shift to sustainable alternatives, such as wind, solar, and bio-diesel.

Sign the Petition Here.

9 thoughts on “Stop the Spectra pipeline.

  1. Wow! I knew Bloomberg was looney, but this is downright insanity! Is he getting ready to blow up Manhattan or something?

      1. Clearly you are far from jewtown! We all know Pee Wee would never consider running this pipeline through Brooklyn, etc.

          1. Sorry, I misread your comment. Thought you said “from jewtown”, not “far from jewtown.” LOL
            Yes, you are right. The Village has a reputation for being pesky Radicals. 🙂

          2. No problem Angel. I saw your comment and was dumbfounded as to how to reply. I thought maybe my geography(cartography?) of NYC was confused!

  2. Isn`t there a fault line close by there? That would be all that would be needed for you New Yorkers. I can see it now, a earth quake, and then a nuclear accident, and then a oil pipeline breaking, and all with in just a jew hours.

    1. The fault line is up in Harlem (runs along 125th Street). The Village was once marshes, no bedrock. That’s why highrises weren’t allowed to be built in the area.

      1. And yet they built the U.N. building on what was once a slaughterhouse.

        Of course, the land WAS donated.

        By the Rockefellers.

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