Stopped for jaywalking, a Detroit man spent 3 days in jail. He was charged with nothing.

Published on Jul 16, 2019

A Detroit man with no criminal history spent three days in jail after police stopped him for jaywalking in Greektown in 2017. He was charged with nothing. The arrest led to a civil lawsuit, settling last month for $45,000.

4 thoughts on “Stopped for jaywalking, a Detroit man spent 3 days in jail. He was charged with nothing.

  1. Is Detroit that hard up for revenue that it must arrest people and lock them up for the bullshit charge of crossing the street?

    1. Yes

      thank the Democrats and other politicians that have destroyed that city over the past 40 to 50 years

  2. Those gestapo thugs just keep breaking laws, assaulting people, and spreading terrorism across the country. The whole lot of them need to go.

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