Student investigated after allegedly saying a math symbol looked like a gun

KATU 3 News

Criminal charges will not be filed against a student after allegedly saying a math symbol looked like a gun.

On Tuesday afternoon, Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies investigated an allegation of terrorist threats at Oberlin High School, according to the department’s Facebook page. The investigation revealed that a student was completing a math problem and drew the sign for square root. Deputies say another student made a comment that the symbol looked like a gun and several other students made similar comments.  According to investigators, the comment made by the student in question “could” sound like a threat when taken out of context.  

Detectives also searched the students home and found no evidence that he possessed or had immediate access to any type of firearm. Investigators say there was no evidence that the student had any intent to commit harm to students or faculty.

“The student used extremely poor judgment in making the comment, but in light of the actual circumstances, there was clearly no evidence to support criminal charges,” stated on the Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.

The matter was turned over to the Allen Parish School Board for determination of disciplinary action.

13 thoughts on “Student investigated after allegedly saying a math symbol looked like a gun

  1. We are living out the stories from “The” and the movie “Idiocracy”.
    If we are going to be living a movie, what’s so wrong with living out “Animal House”? Sure looks like fun.

  2. You wouldn’t have this problem if you took a little time to teach MATH instead of devoting the day’s lessons to reaching new heights in anti-gun brainwashing.

    These are high school kids and they don’t know what a square root symbol looks like, but they see guns everywhere and fear anything that looks remotely like one.

    “…..Detectives also searched the students home…”

    The judge that issued a search warrant over this nonsense needs to be in prison, at least.

  3. That “other student” must be as irrational as the square-root-of-two.

    Note: the square root of 2 is 1.41423562373095…. into infinity…no mathematician has ever figured it out exactly, nor has any computer algorithm, making the square root of 2 IRRATIONAL.

  4. Well, I guess that’ll teach ’em to jump the gun and take off like a shot in jumping to conclusions. Next time maybe they’ll find themselves looking down the barrel for being half-cocked. No matter, it’s all a flash in the pan, and this should give their staff a chance to rifle through their case history.

  5. “According to investigators, the comment made by the student in question “could” sound like a threat when taken out of context.”

    That’s the ONLY way ANYTHING those RETARDS call a threat could be given a shred of ‘credibility’.

    “The student used extremely poor judgment in making the comment,…”

    The student did nothing of the kind.

    It was the pigs and school administration that revealed the depths of their TERMINAL STUPIDITY by even investigating such lunacy to begin with!!!

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