STUPID: Michael Brown parents want UN to recommend IMMEDIATE arrest of Officer Darren Wilson

The Right Scoop

You know I’ve had about enough of Michael Brown’s parents. I know they are grieving and what not, but they are going too far in their desire to prosecute Darren Wilson for the death of their son. After all, the grand jury is still hearing evidence and hasn’t released a verdict yet on that evidence.

Michael Brown’s parents are not reasonable people nor have they surrounded themselves with reasonable people. They claim they want justice yet what they really want is to believe that their son couldn’t be the thug that led him to attack an officer and get killed. And if it means prosecuting Darren Wilson and sending him to jail to keep that dream alive, that’s what they’ll do.  

If they really wanted justice they would wait like the rest of us to hear what the grand jury has to say instead of calling Officer Wilson an ‘executioner’ on CNN.

KMOV – Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr. spoke to the United Nations Committee Against Torture—which also works against cruel or degrading treatment or punishment by government authorities.

“We need the world to know what’s going on in Ferguson and we need justice,” McSpadden told CNN in Geneva, Switzerland.

“We need answers and we need action. And we have to bring it to the U.N. so they can expose it to the rest of the world, what’s going on in small town Ferguson.”

Accounts differ as to what led to the August shooting of Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old, by a white police officer.

While their testimony to the committee took place behind closed doors, the delegation that organized their trip said the couple would read from a statement submitted by the Brown family and organizations called HandsUpUnited, the Organization for Black Struggle, and Missourians.

The document says Brown’s killing and force used by police officers during protests that followed the killing “represent violations of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.”

It requests that the U.N. panel recommend the immediate arrest of Officer Darren Wilson, who killed Brown, as well as an end to “racial profiling and racially-biased police harassment across the jurisdictions surrounding Ferguson.”

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3 thoughts on “STUPID: Michael Brown parents want UN to recommend IMMEDIATE arrest of Officer Darren Wilson

  1. They want the UN to arrest an officer? WTF? Who the HELL are the UN? They have no power or authority over anyone. Are they trying to give an unconstitutional entity power over their country? Are they that weak? That’s treason! Are his parents stupid or something? How come they aren’t suggesting that our own people arrest him? Yea, real bright idea. Why don’t you just hand your country over to the NWO now and get it over with, you stupid dumbasses!

  2. They are looking for money… anywhere they can find it… Yes they are stupid .. Just useful idiots… I am tired of hearing about Ferguson, the Gov should tell the state citizens that if any unlawful acts happen… they will be dealt with. Deadly force on a large scale if need be.

    The American people since at least LBJ’s Great Society has had their hard earned money taken and given to this never ending hoard of looooooosers that will never get off their butt and do what the rest of us have done. They have no crying towel with me..

  3. “Michael Brown’s parents are not reasonable people “, you are kidding me right?
    Why the heck should they be reasonable? They do not trust the US authorities to deliver “Justice”. Have you read the news, do you watch the internet, how can any person expect “justice”? (regardless of whether you are black or white).
    Who the heck else can they call? Congress?, the AG? Supreme Court?
    Any evidence about his behaviour before the encounter is irrelevant, whether in the store or in school or previous encounters with the law.
    The only question is whether Wilson “lawfully” killed him.
    Was he “reasonably” in fear for his life” or is that a post event BS when in reality Brown was killed for failing to comply and Kiss Ass.

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