Suspect in 4th of July stabbing in Green Bay previously deported

Fox 11 News

GREEN BAY – A suspect in a July 4th stabbing was previously removed from the United States for being in the country illegally, according to a federal immigration official.

Victor Paz-Castellanos is charged with attempted first-degree intentional homicide and three other charges for allegedly stabbing his ex-girlfriend during an argument just after the fireworks ended.  

Victor Manuel PazcastellanosWhen he appeared in court, prosecutors indicated Paz-Castellanos is a citizen of Honduras and is in the United States illegally.

In response to questions from FOX 11, Gail Montenegro, public affairs officer for the regional U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, provided this statement:

“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) placed a detainer on Victor Manuel Paz-Castellanos July 15 at the Brown County (Wisconsin) Jail following his arrest on local charges. Paz-Castellanos, a citizen of Honduras, was previously removed from the United States Oct. 10, 2014. Following the completion of this case, ICE will request notification to take Paz-Castellanos into custody for removal,” she wrote.

Paz-Castellanos is expected to appear in Brown County court Thursday morning for a preliminary hearing for the stabbing.

He was charged in March with a misdemeanor count of having sex with a child age 16 or older. He also faces criminal traffic counts for separate incidents. Court records indicate an arrest warrant was issued after he failed to appear for a court appearance.

Montenegro did not address FOX 11’s question of why a detainer was not issued – or if one could have been – after the misdemeanor count was filed.

3 thoughts on “Suspect in 4th of July stabbing in Green Bay previously deported

  1. All of the South American criminal trash has been invited in by Obama, so you can expect this to be endless. We can only hope they’re targeting the liberal communism-supporters who think it’s nice that we’ve allowed “the dreamers” to stay. Keep dreaming.

    The only reason someone with no money or means of support would pick up and move to a different country is to go on welfare, embark on a criminal enterprise, or both. Anybody who doesn’t have their head up their ass can figure this out, but as usual, there’s no hope for the brainwashed.

  2. A lot of migrant farm workers in Wisconsin these days. They hang around in the streets like Latino gangs, fill the welfare rolls, field work by day, criminal enterprises by night. They have been robbing rural houses more often and are very likely robbing their own employers, “casing the joint” as they work. Every day in the police report, it looks as if they are charged with half the crimes costing the taxpayers the expense to deal with them. It does appear that it’s primarily the corporate mega farms saving a few bucks hiring these migrant workers “to do what Americans don’t want to do.” That argument is hogwash although it does seem to me that many of today’s youth are so obese or out of shape, physically, that they would be incapable of performing a day’s labor in the fields. Most of them are experts at time wasting computer games however. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I know many hard working young men but they’re not the majority.

  3. Wow….Another previously deported immigrant, but hey, apparently gun control is more important than criminals illegally crossing the border. If you don’t believe me, ask that THING called Pelosi.


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