Texas high school sends 170 students home for violating the dress code

Duncanville High School student unrest (KDFW)Yahoo News – by Charlene Sakoda

Duncanville High School in Texas was the scene of a mass uprising Wednesday after 170 students were sent home for violating the dress code and anadditional unknown number were given in-school suspensions. As reported by KDFW Fox 4, administrators even called upon local police to help control the situation.

According to The Dallas Morning News, Duncanville students were found in violation of the dress code in the morning and administrators instructed those violators to gather in the cafeteria before being sent home. Some of the items listed in the Duncanville Independent School District’s dress code policy include a requirement that students wear belts, shirts free of logos and designs, and it prohibits denim.  


A pink slip received for a dress code violation (KDFW)

Student Jose Marquez was suspended on Wednesday and said, “The teacher just calls me and tells me to lift my shirt up and I didn’t have a belt on. So [no] belt and ID and got kicked out.” Edward Ramirez, a junior with a 3.5 GPA said he had never been written up before the dress code sweep. He told KDFW, “The staff told me that my shirt was out of dress code despite the fact that it is a school spirit shirt.” The dress code does include an exception to the policy allowing principals to OK school spirit shirts like the one Ramirez wore, on stipulated days. Some students said that faculty allowed the spirit shirts on most days.

Duncanville High School spirit shirt found to violate the school dress code. (KDFW)

As news of the student suspensions spread, protests began and a food fight reportedly started in the cafeteria around 11:30 a.m. and migrated to the school hallways. Brittany Hall, a Duncanville High School senior told KDFW, “The class just got fed up and things were being thrown like trash cans, tables, and food. We actually had to hide underneath a table just to not get hit by everything that was flying.” The KDFW helicopter camera captured a “heavy police presence” outside the school around 1 p.m. Things had apparently gotten out of control and administrators decided to call in the authorities to regain order, but no arrests were reported.


Police presence at Duncanville High School (KDFW)

Duncanville High School Principal Andre Smith emphasized to WFAA ABC 8, “We enforce dress code every day…And not just dress code. Every policy and procedure we enforce every day.” However, many of the students disagree with that statement saying that there are very few times that the dress code is enforced and the timing of this sweep couldn’t have been worse. The crackdown occurred right before the school’s scheduled final exams, which caused many students to miss critical reviews in classes. Smith, a second year principal at the school, said, “No day is a good day to send students home. We want students in the classroom…We want to teach them that they must meet the expectations not only here in school, but outside of school as well.”

Duncanville High School Principal Andre Smith (KDFW)

Senior Arturo Moreno responded, “I get that. They’re enforcing the rules and they’re supposed to do that. But for them to not do that all year? It’s the last two weeks of school and now they want to enforce it?” Parent Karen Williams, whose son was sent home for wearing a school band shirt, said, “I’m pissed off. It was crazy.” Still, other parents were in agreement with enforcing the school policy. “It’s important to maintain order and maintain uniformity in the school system,” said Jacqueline Saldana, a parent who is a first grade teacher in the school district and has a son at Duncanville High.


Duncanville High School in Duncanville, Texas (KDFW)

Despite what some students were calling a ‘near-riot,’ Principal Andre Smith told WFAA, “We didn’t lose control, our students chose, some of our good kids chose to make bad choices.” Smith says that they do a dress code compliance sweep three to four times a year, but he has never seen the reaction that followed this recent crackdown. Duncanville High School’s dress code enforcement also made the news in 2003 when more than 700 students were suspended over the course of two months for violating the school policy.

KXAS NBC 5 reports that some students vowed to continue to violate the dress code in protest. On Thursday when students returned to class, administrators said some were turned away for violating the dress code, but otherwise the day was “normal and orderly.”

Videos and more info: KDFWWFAAKXASThe Dallas Morning News


21 thoughts on “Texas high school sends 170 students home for violating the dress code

  1. Yea, these dress codes are a good way to show these students just how superficial the school system is and they can apply that also to the goverment too.

  2. Dress code = conformity code.
    In these ‘schools’ the code is a one way contract the student doesn’t have any choice but to agree to because ‘school’ is forced indoctrination.

    Since I was a kid i could never figure out what the problem was with denim.
    It’s just a fabric. On certain days we were given the ‘privilege’ of wearing denim.

    Speaking of conformity. Did you ever notice how the ugly, uncomfortable 3 piece business suit of a bygone era has become the defacto ‘uniform’ for doing business and being taken seriously in the west. Why do people who supposedly hate us, like the iranians, north koreans, chinese wear that shitty western ‘uniform’…and the ugly uncomfortable flat foot shoes that go with them? These cultures had some of the most beautiful colorful clothing.

    The use of the western business suit all over the world is the march of global conformity…which is global governance.


  3. gonna have to up the floride in the water there. Dont want these kids thinking for themselves.

  4. Back in the late 60’s when I was in my last years of high school they had a dress code also. I used to ware white t-shirts, then they decided that they were no longer appropriate attire and must have a pocket or logo on them. I had a friend in sewing class sew on pockets that were just big enough to hold a book of matches. It didn’t go over well with the dean but they had no choice but to allow it till they could change the rule. They did but it was the year after I got out.

  5. Die Hitler-Jugend-Führer werden nur genehmigt Kleidung zu tragen oder vor der Strafe der öffentlichen Demütigung!

    Yeah, that’s exactly where it’s going people.

    1. For those who don’t know German, here is the translation 😉
      “To carry the Hitler Youth leaders only approves clothes or before the punishment of public humiliation!”

          1. On My Grandfather’s side for me. He was “full-blooded,” but never bought in to Hitler’s nightmare. Good to here from you. Millard See you in the Pub today?

        1. Fuher does not always translate into the title used by Hitler. It also translates into commander, leader, dictator, driver, chauffeur; guide, headman, chief, head.

    2. anderes Aussehen ist das Zeichen des Individualismus und es muss gestoppt werden!
      Hey, Joe – What else would you expect?

  6. Yes, it’s sad to see how far we’ve travelled down the road of fascism. Shows you how the Wall Street Insiders and The Megalomaniac Mass Media, along with the low-life, scum-sucking, money-grubbin’, knuckledraggers in Tuxedoes, our political saviors have become. These people all need to be beheaded with a butter knife! How’s that Change Workin’ Out For Ya?

    1. Hey, Millard – you don’t have to tread lightly or sugar coat anything; you can actually say what you think on this forum

  7. Not to regurgitate the whole issue, but where do you stand on the Sheriff’s Constitutional Authority over the Fed’s or State in his elected territory? Actually, I think I heard Henry’s thoughts on the matter but I was left not sure where you were standing.

    1. if this article’s forum is ok with my opinions on another article; and your flattery for asking my opinion = here goes::
      The Sheriff is THE TOP AUTHORITY in the County, [limited to those powers “prescribed” – refer back to our argument] but there USED TO BE [they’re still on the books, but the Gov’ment in general does what it wants now] prohibitions against even entering the County in ANY “official” capacity (i.e.: Feds could not even come into the County “officially” without notification [justification] of entry which WAS severely limited) – because there MOSTLY existed no State authority with this problem until recently [1970’s or so] – I’ll stay on your question with just a recent example of the Feds; – Since the BLM has no Constitutional authority = they can’t even legally ask the original question of the Sheriff to; “officially come into his County – and if they did it anyway; he would actually have the authority AND “prescribed’ ministerial duty [on paper??] to arrest them
      Chance it’ll happen with someone like Gillespie: .00000004%?

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