Texas Taxpayers Will Shell Out Approx. $45M to Educate Foreign Minors

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas — As Central American illegal immigrants continue to pour across the U.S.-Mexico border, federal agents are releasing tens of thousands of them onto U.S. soil. Consequently, public schools around the nation must gear up to accommodate undocumented children. In Texas alone, around 4,800 foreign minors have been set free–assuming these minors are not immediately deported, they will be expected to enter the public school system come fall.   

Many Texans have expressed concern over the cost these minors will force onto taxpayers. Due to language barriers, it will likely be more expensive to educate the immigrant children than it is to educate U.S. students.

Texas Education Agency General Counsel David Anderson reportedly said at a committee hearing, “Right now, the state pays about $7,900 per student to districts. These [foreign children] would come with certain needs, like free or reduced lunch qualification as well as bilingual or special needs, so we estimate about $9,500 per student to be paid to the districts for those students.”

Assuming all 4,800 released foreign minors enter the public school system, Texas will shell out about $45.6 million to educate these children.

Texans will be on the hook for subsidizing salaries for special teachers to accommodate the young migrants.

“You’re looking at more educators that are typically your hardest to hire,” Anderson continued. “Bilingual teachers, counselors and, even more rare, bilingual special education teachers.”

Texas school districts will not inquire about the immigration status of the migrants, or any students, according to the Star-Telegram.

Anderson continued during the hearing, “They are just going to ask, ‘Does Johnny live in our district?’ If the answer is, ‘yes,’ they are going to enroll the student.”

The Telegram reported that given Texas’ $17 billion education appropriation, the state will be able to educate the unaccompanied minors without going over the budget.

Still, it is easy to imagine that taxpaying Texas citizens may be frustrated with the situation.

Along with public schools, Texas’ hospitals and other public facilities will be forced to accommodate the growing number of foreigners who continue to be dumped in the state.

As Breitbart Texas previously reported, a total of 30,340 unaccompanied minors have already been released from federal custody after being placed in a foster homes around the country. Although foreign minors have been set free in all 50 states, Texas has received far more than any other U.S. state.

Follow Kristin Tate on Twitter@KristinBTate



One thought on “Texas Taxpayers Will Shell Out Approx. $45M to Educate Foreign Minors

  1. “Consequently, public schools around the nation must gear up to accommodate undocumented children.”


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