The Deep State Vs The 2nd Amendment

Video Rebel’s Blog

When George W Bush was President, the Deep State created a list of 8 million Americans to be detained in case of a National Emergency. That list surely has grown since Democracy Now and Salon looked at Main Core in 2008.

The Deep State is run by the men who launder a trillion dollars a year in illegal drugs and weapons. Asia Times said a decade ago that they also launder $500 billion a year in bribes. The Deep State killed President Kennedy because they wanted him to go to war in Vietnam and to lose it so they could get white teenagers to start taking drugs. They wanted a beaten down and drugged up America to replace what was here before they killed JFK because they could more easily control a corrupt nation. 

They also wanted President Kennedy dead because he opposed Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.

There are a few problems with the DC crowd trying to round up 8 to 10 or even 12 million Americans. That original 8 million figure came from estimates more than a decade ago during the George W Bush administration. Certainly like all government programs it has expanded since it began.

Suppose the Deep State sent out the order to round up 30,000 men and women on the evening of Day One. Americans have 4 major time zones so suppose they operated from midnight to 4 am Eastern time. That would be from 9 pm to 1 am on the West Coast.

They would have to take down Internet communications and cell tower traffic. They could not allow people to communicate with one another.  They would need local law enforcement to co-operate. That co-operation could be a major problem as local cops might side with friends and neighbors and give advance warning. Children could be sent to another location. Some might set a bomb to explode when the door kicked in doors. Snipers might take out a few of the Feds on Day One. But not all of those federal men would get home at the end of their first shift rounding up Patriots,

But on Day Two everyone in the country would know that the Deep State had ordered the arrest without trial of 8 to 12 million Americans. A major problem is that nobody will know whether or not they are on that list to be sent to modern concentration camps. 20 million people might assume they were on that Main Core list. The Federalis will experience blowback from 20 million or more people not just the 8 to 12 million actually on that list.

These will not be work camps like in Germany in WW II where inmates at Dachau made V 2 rockets for General Walter Doernberger to attack London. Or like Auschwitz where the inmates converted coal from Silesia into gasoline for the German Army. If you don’t have a job inside the camps, you are a liability. Please note that the Deep State is run by Bankers and that they do not like expensive to maintain non-performing assets.

The order to round up Americans will likely come after the US Dollar loses reserve currency status as demanded by Mark Carney, the retiring Governor of the Bank of England. The Dollar will likely be devalued before the 2020 elections in November. But the end of reserve currency status, would likely happen within a year or two after the elections.

Since 60% of US money is overseas, this would mean that all the money held by foreigners would sent back to the US and that US wages and pensions would be cut in half by inflation.  This would cause Nationwide Food Riots and likely panic the Bankers into ordering the round up of 8 to 12 million Americans.

The first question is whether or not the US military would even allow the round up to begin. Over the first few days of the Troubles the military could change their minds and begin arresting Bankers and seizing their assets to fund Debt Cancellation. The Choice will be made at first by generals in the Pentagon where $21 trillion had gone missing from 1998 to 2015. But junior officers backed by soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen from all over the world could offer a second Choice by Day Two or Three.

If the Pentagon tries to remain neutral on Day One, on Day Two millions of Americans will take their weapons and food to previously arranged locations. Some might go into full combat mode and begin killing Bad Guys on their personal To Do list. By Day Three some resistors might even use  dynamite to take down a few towers taking electricity to Washington DC and New York.

Ed Dorner, the disgruntled ex-cop, shut down law enforcement in Los Angeles for several days. And he announced who he was and published a manifesto along with his hit list. If there were no hit list and no self-acknowledgement and there were 10,000 men out there actively shooting at the people the Deep State needed to maintain control amidst Nationwide Food Riots and Blackouts, the US military outside the Pentagon might have to intervene.

The alternative would be a Civil War.

The Deep State Main Core program is doomed because Americans own 350 million guns thanks to the 2nd Amendment. The Second Amendment protects our freedoms including the right not to be arrested without trial and be sent to a concentration camp.

The Deep State thinks they can starve 50 million Americans to death and walk away without any blowback. They starved 3 million Americans to death in the 1930s without suffering any repercussions. But that was then and this is now.  The Bankers cannot be allowed to kill Americans by the tens of millions. We are a tolerant and long suffering people who let the Bankers steal our tax money and pensions by the tens of trillions. But mass starvation is way beyond our limit.

The Second Amendment is our Answer to any plans the Bankers make to starve, torture, kill and betray us.

I said Israel killed President Kennedy. You can read my reasoning here:

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.

I said the US is heading to a possible military intervention soon after the Nationwide Food Riots. A US military coup could save us from a much more horrifying Civil War.

How And Why An American Military Coup Could Save The World

When the Dollar Dies, you will need some persuasive arguments to convince the brainwashed that 911 was not done by 19 hijackers who couldn’t fly a Cessna.

911: Short And Powerful Questions

Debt Cancellation ends Depressions. The following knowledge about canceling Unpayable Debts could save the US and the world economy from otherwise certain disaster.

Debt Cancellation Is The Best Way To Take Down Bilderberg

The video below is an interview with people in a position to know about the Main Core program which was developed in the George W Bush administration to round up dissidents and send them to concentration camps without trials and lawyers.

Video Rebel’s Blog

3 thoughts on “The Deep State Vs The 2nd Amendment

  1. The Deep State is run by the men who launder a trillion dollars a year in illegal drugs and weapons. Asia Times said a decade ago that they also launder $500 billion a year in bribes. The Deep State killed President Kennedy because they wanted him to go to war in Vietnam and to lose it so they could get white teenagers to start taking drugs. They wanted a beaten down and drugged up America to replace what was here before they killed JFK because they could more easily control a corrupt nation……..

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