There’s truth there, but as I’ve pointed out elsewhere in the past, there’s also a big problem.
The typical American gun enthusiast owns guns mainly because he thinks guns are a cool, “macho” hobby. He will also often think of them as potential tools of defense against common criminals. But he never seriously envisions using those weapons to defend freedom.
Yeah, he may superficially agree with the 2nd Amendment, but at the same time, he WORSHIPS the military and sucks up to the police (except for “a few bad apples”). Any time he hears about someone shooting a cop, his heart bleeds, and he automatically assumes that the guy must have been a “kook” rather than someone possibly fighting back against abuse. Lord knows he would never, EVER use his arms against the King’s Men, since that would be *gasp* ILLEGAL and could even get him killed.
I don’t mean to sound defeatist, because the political climate can change in a hurry. But at present, I just see very little interest in freedom among the American people. There are still far too many Republicans and Democrats. Armed sheep are still sheep.
the cops, and the dam media, better stop protecting the political class
because the egg that they will soon have on their faces will paint them into a corner with those of us that awaken or are already well aware of what kind of filth is “running this world”..the truth that they protected the most evil group to ever exist on this earth, and even did their bidding and protection , as these scumbags did their destruction to the core beliefs of this republic and its people
be careful who you have as alliances , they can easily include you in their debauchery
There’s truth there, but as I’ve pointed out elsewhere in the past, there’s also a big problem.
The typical American gun enthusiast owns guns mainly because he thinks guns are a cool, “macho” hobby. He will also often think of them as potential tools of defense against common criminals. But he never seriously envisions using those weapons to defend freedom.
Yeah, he may superficially agree with the 2nd Amendment, but at the same time, he WORSHIPS the military and sucks up to the police (except for “a few bad apples”). Any time he hears about someone shooting a cop, his heart bleeds, and he automatically assumes that the guy must have been a “kook” rather than someone possibly fighting back against abuse. Lord knows he would never, EVER use his arms against the King’s Men, since that would be *gasp* ILLEGAL and could even get him killed.
I don’t mean to sound defeatist, because the political climate can change in a hurry. But at present, I just see very little interest in freedom among the American people. There are still far too many Republicans and Democrats. Armed sheep are still sheep.
“Lord knows he would never, EVER use his arms against the King’s Men, since that would be *gasp* ILLEGAL and could even get him killed.”
Sad but true, BMF.
It will take a SERIOUS wake-up call to change that, unfortunately.
Haven’t seen you posting much lately… ?
*** Haven’t seen you posting much lately… ? ***
Yeah man, work’s been keeping me really busy. All is well, though — the goon squads haven’t gotten me yet.
Glad to hear that.
the cops, and the dam media, better stop protecting the political class
because the egg that they will soon have on their faces will paint them into a corner with those of us that awaken or are already well aware of what kind of filth is “running this world”..the truth that they protected the most evil group to ever exist on this earth, and even did their bidding and protection , as these scumbags did their destruction to the core beliefs of this republic and its people
be careful who you have as alliances , they can easily include you in their debauchery