Published on Dec 8, 2013 by Absit
“I, GORDON KAHL, a Christian Patriot, and in consideration of the events which have taken place within the last few hours, and knowing to what-lengths the enemies of Christ, (whom I consider my enemies) will go to separate my spirit from it’s body [(“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” – Rev. 12:7 ~A.R.V.)], wish to put down on paper a record of the events which have just taken place, so that the world will know what happened.
I feel that the awesome power which will be unleashed, to silence forever, my testimony, will, if not checked by the power of my God, who is the God of Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob, will cut short my time to leave to the world, these happenings [(“. . . Who is like to the beast? who is able to make war with him?” – Rev. 13:4 ~A.R.V.)]. Therefore, I’m going to make this record, and leave it in the hands of those who I know will bring it to light, even though I may in the meantime be extinguished.
While urgency, or human weakness, tells me to run, my spirit says write, so this I am going to do. And if my God continues to protect me, I shall write first, and flee from the hands of my enemies later.
We had just finished our meeting in Medina, concerning how we could best implement the proceedings of the Third Continental Congress, which was to restore the power and prestige of the U.S. Constitution up to and including the 10 Articles of the Bill of Rights, and put our nation back under Christian Common Law, which is another way of saying God’s Law, as laid down by the inspiration of God, thru His prophets and preserved for us in the Scriptures, when word was received from someone whose identity I am not able to give, that we were to be ambushed on our return to our homes.
I realize now that we did not take this warning as seriously as we should have. The reason for this was because it has happened so many times before, when nothing happened. I see now that the many false alarms were to cause us to lower our guard.
As we pondered what to do, someone suggested that we take two cars instead of one. Consequently, I went with Dave Brewer, and my son Yorie, Scotty Paul, my wife Jean, and Vernon Wagner, went in our station wagon. At this time none of us really expected any trouble, but just to be on the safe side, my son Yorie, myself, and Scotty prepared to defend ourselves, in the event that an attack upon us, should take place.
As we came over one of the hills just north of Medina, I saw on the top of the next hill what looked like two cars parked on it. About this time they turned on their red lights, and I knew the attack was under way.
We were just coming to an approach and I told Dave to pull in on it and stop. Our other car pulled in just beyond us and stopped, also. I looked back in time to see another vehicle coming from behind with it’s red light on. I picked up my Mini-14, and I got out and got myself and my weapon ready as the vehicle coming from behind skidded to a stop about 20 feet away. The doors flew open on it and the two men who were in the front seat aimed their guns at us. My son Yorie had jumped out of the other car and had ran over to a high-line pole. The two cars which we had seen ahead of us, pulled up and stopped behind us.
A man got out of the vehicle which had come from behind us, and ran out into the ditch on the east side of the road. During this time there was a lot of screaming and hollering going on but nothing else, so it appeared to be an impasse.
About this time a shot rang out and the driver of the car who I believe at this time must have been supposedly in command, turned around and stood up so he was looking at his man in the east ditch, and toward the cars which had come from the north and yelled “Who fired, who fired?” The other man who was with him, echoed his question.
At the time the shot rang out I heard Yorie cry out “I’m hit, I’m hit” I took my eyes off the two men who were yelling “Who fired”, and looked over at Yorie. He was still standing, but I could tell he was in pain from the way he stood. About this time, another shot rang out, and I heard Yorie cry out again. I looked over and saw that he was hit again and laying on the ground. I looked back toward the two men and saw the one in the passenger side aim at me and I was sure then that they felt the situation was no longer under their control, and the only thing to do was kill us all.
Before he was able to fire, I loosed a round at the door behind which he was standing, and while I don’t think I hit him, I caused him to duck down behind the door.
I looked around again toward Yorie, and saw Scotty Paul running over toward him. I turned my head again in time to see the driver of the vehicle which had followed us raise up (…) ”
As I listened to her testimony, I couldn’t help reflect on the story of the Mexican town that got tired of putting up with the drug cartel goons and cops. So, the working men of the town armed themselves (militia) and killed every cartel goon and cop in the town — just like that.
Violence works.