8 thoughts on “The Phoenix Wet Shave – HairCut Harry Experiences The House of Shave Barber Parlor, Phoenix Arizona.

    1. Mark, I watched the whole video……I bet that felt so relaxing…what a skillful artist….are you in AZ this fine day?

      1. Hi Mary,

        No, I’m in Barstow, Ca,

        I was going to go home to Vegas, I say home only in the fact that I get my mail there. That’s it. I’m empty and I felt staying here was better than going home, so it would be easier to load me for whatever tomorrow. I emptied in San Bernardino, Stater Brothers distribution center.

        I’ve been here since Friday. It’s cheaper for me to stay here, and there isn’t that parking issue, plenty of parking.

        Looking forward to the special dinner tonight at the diner, prime rib. 🙂

        How’s things in Texas? Beautiful I bet.. it’s beautiful here, warm and clear..

        1. Prime rib….yummers….we are having ribs ,steamed veggies sweet potatoes and beans, homemade peanut butter chocolate chip cookies….pretty nice here today in the 50s ..sun just bowed out….cloudy now supposed to rain tomorrow….enjoy your dinner and merry Christmas

          1. Thx Mary

            Merry Christmas to you as well, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, good thing I’m not around….. LOL

  1. Hey Mark, it’s somewhere between relaxing and being an inch from death. If you’ve ever been cut by a straight razor you’ll know what I am talking about! Always made me nervous but one of the few masculine spa experiences a man can appreciate.

    1. Right on. Next time I’m in Phoenix I’m going for it. Every time I’m in Chicago, I’m an inch from death. 🙂

      Thx for the low down.

      1. LOL! Glad I wasn’t sipping my beer. ..would’ve been messy! I will admit a pretty gal doing it made it not so bad. No, not like that, Trencher ladies. No washy jerky joints for this fella.

        Never been to chi town but I have a leather HD pub cap a friend got for me about 20 years ago and it’s like butter. Maybe I’ll take it home to retire it someday. ..safe driving and Merry Christmas, Mark! 🙂

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