The Status of The Word From the Trenches

Okay, to begin this diatribe, mammon did not destroy the Bill of Rights, no more than a gun chooses its victim and kills on its own. The only way the Bill of Rights has failed has been through design and the calculation of greed, vanity, and self-service.

In the beginning, when the aristocrats went to work to destroy the Bill of Rights and subjugate the free sovereigns of this country, they simply sought out the most worthless among us who could only rise in stature though duplicity.

These traitors, and they were just a handful, readily sold the rights of their brethren, which did not belong to them, to the aristocrats with the understanding that they would retain their own rights and be given special privilege. It was accomplished across this country by the agents of the Masonic dirty church cabal. Communication was sparse so they made their attacks, small and spread out across the nation through their networks of Masonic lodges and dirty churches.

By the time the majority of the people realized what was happening the enemy was already at the thick edge of the wedge, openly calling themselves the ruling class and plugging in the final elements of the unlawful 14th Amendment.

Know this. All along the way, there have been those who understood exactly what was occurring, but as Baron Rothschild predicted, they kept quiet and in fact joined in the treachery as they revealed small parts with the design, to build armies to protect their ill begotten wealth. In the end, after the poor through necessity soak this nation with their own blood to put a stop to the attempted enslavement, these traitors intend to wait in the shadows.

Mark Koernke preached it for twenty years that those who had the gold and the silver and the copper would be the default money system after the poor people had crushed the enemy. He planned to be the new aristocracy with great dreams of grandeur and a theocracy that would go forward to conquer the world and live under a new aristocracy’s interpretations of religious scripture, just like the people did under the Priests of Sanhedrin.

But we found Lady Liberty lying in a ditch covered with mud where those who had accosted her had left her for dead, thinking they had conquered the freedom and liberty she stood for. We here at The Trenches pulled her out of that muddy ditch. We healed her and brought her back to her natural perfection, a beautiful flawless young maiden representing free thought, liberty, and justice.

Many of those who had walked right past her while she was lying in that ditch were of the ilk of those who would be the new aristocracy and knew the threat she represented to their plans to subjugate their fellow man.

We saw her as a beauty and righteousness that we would protect and defend with our lives.

They too saw the beauty through their pimp eyes. They would use her like a whore to fatten their coffers, lending only lip service to her reality. It is these worshipers of mammon who have propped up the United States Corporation since the 70s, manipulating each outrage of the violations of our laws, taking old people’s social security checks as they mimic one another ad nauseum about what they are going to do “when the time comes”.

On the other hand, we, discovering what has been hidden from us and in knowing the intent of the diabolical mammon worshipers, put our every effort to bring forth the reality she represents, in fact giving her back to those who would fight to defend her and free themselves in the process. We didn’t do it to accumulate mammon, because you cannot sell something to somebody that already belongs to them.

We have worked hard here to teach any and all who would listen of the dire straits that our once great people are in, and as our people have come to the realization of who they are, our numbers have become enormous. We watch our numbers multiply literally by the day.

Others have seen a demographic the Zionist silver and gold moguls want to tap into and if the work we have accomplished is destroyed in the process and they can sell Lady Liberty like a whore, get her strung out on heroin, leave her muddy in the ditch with pock marks and rotted teeth like a $2 prostitute, all the better.

These f-kers better listen up. Gold and silver are not the most precious commodities on this earth. Food and water are. How f-king dumb do you think we are that a two bit conman is going to be allowed to stick his hand up the dress of Lady Liberty on this f-king site or our f-king broadcast to see if he can pull out some gold and silver?

You mother f-kers are marked as sure as the Bolshevik communists and the corporate communists are marked. You will rule over no one and you will be tried for the crime of sedition for making your attempt. You are not f-king bad, do not think you are. We the poor, we are the f-king bad.

We found you out in time and we are armed well enough to take every treasonous f-king one of you out. We will start up trade using our recovered wealth that will be divided up equally amongst us and pity the mother f-kers that try to get in our way.

There have been so many of you Trenchers who have taken up the fight in earnest and have worked hard for the restitution of our absolute ratified law of December 15, 1791 and I am not going to let you down. I will have been broadcasting for ten years come September, but I can still do an hour, and it will be an earnest hour, spent giving back that which was stolen to those it belongs to.

The Bill of Rights is the law. We will prevail and will have no pity on those who tried to f-k us by infiltrating our ranks.

26 thoughts on “The Status of The Word From the Trenches

  1. Thank you for that clarification on Koernke.

    As for those who worship or validate gold as a solution… Jus’ have to ask: can they put it in a sandwich, chew it up, savor it, and swallow it down? Ha! NO THEY CAN’T!!!

    And regarding those I am gifted to walk amongst:

    “There have been so many of you Trenchers who have taken up the fight in earnest and have worked hard for the restitution of our absolute ratified law of December 15, 1791 and I am not going to let you down.”

    Many know that, Henry, and if they feel anything like I do, they are honored to walk at your side, and to keep walking ’till our victory is attained.


    1. I’d rather be the poorest free man than the richest slave.
      “Go buy gold and silver.” I don’t even have enough cash in my wallet to fill my truck up and it’s not on E.

      1. you goddamm got that right!!! I heard a word that described me a couple years ago.. Minimalist.. it means you’re poor and ain’t got shit and don’t want shit!! all I want is to be left alone. you wouldn’t think that’d be a big deal but it by god is! it’s the most precious thing you can own. and it’s fleeting. like Henry says.. you can move out to the woods where no vehicle can go and in 6wks some motherfuker will fly up there to see what you’re doing.. to fuk with you.. that’s what infuriates me. nothing on earth makes me madder than thinking about that!! when I was a kid Grizzly Adams was the way we ALL wanted to live… of course he was running from the “law” back then! they won’t even leave you alone on a goddamm TV show!!!

        1. ‘! they won’t even leave you alone on a goddamm TV show!!!’
          yup, that dang tv is nothing but mind control…want us all to think fighting the establishment is futile

    1. I know what you mean but i sure hope you’re wrong!! we oughta be on the back side of this shit in 10yrs.. we’ll all be too old by then. I hope we’re all free way before then dead or alive. free is free. I cannot imagine going 10 more years and not having the uprising. I’ll be glad to sit on the porch with y’all in the free state of Jefferson.. talking bout how we kicked their asses… we’ll see. sooner or later somethings gotta give.

  2. I’ll keep on saying it the Bill of Rights has to be enforced. If you want liberty and freedom and justice for all. We the people have to do it!

  3. I stand committed to this fight and this site. This site is the light for so many that have come to know most all that has been taught of our history has been nothing but lies. More are finding their way here everyday.
    For those people who can’t make a monetary donation in support of this site, there is a way to help out. I will send FREE CDs of Henry’s presentation of ‘Bill of Rights/Common Law Explained’, so you can hand out to others whether family, friends, or strangers.

  4. i just wanted to add Henry, your writing is incredible, this is how leaders lead, keeping his believers and soldiers solidified in rank and file, words matter brother and yours resonate elegantly to the point, awesome…

    More than ten years ago they sucked me in, this guy is real, believes wholeheartedly in whats he’s doing, its a gift…

    1. I definitely agree that Henry’s words and knowledge of the law are incredible, but I also know this: Henry doesn’t want “believers and soldiers”, he wants people to believe in the Bill of Rights as the Supreme Law that it is as individuals united in the belief that the freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights are worth dying for. He wants people to be a “one man army” or “one woman army”, individuals enforcing the Bill of Rights, because that is the only way the current tyranny will ever end. I have always been concerned that people would use the Trenches as a sounding board to relieve pressure. Having a place to post comments or have their voices heard on the broadcast allows some to feel good enough to think that they can sit back and watch others like Henry enforce the Bill of Rights while they do nothing as individuals to enforce it. I know I’m not wording what I’m trying to say very well, but I hope what I wrote makes some sense.

      1. Good points, I’m old school, and have had to be straightened out a couple times, personally I like to be lead through this shit. 1791 required soldiers, leaders. These times are no different, INMOP anyway.( everybody is different)

        Your words are very well understood Sunfire, Henry is lucky to have had you for these long ass years.

        1. I’m hardly qualified to “straighten out” anyone. I still consider myself the “Village Idiot” here at the Trenches but I do treasure the knowledge and wisdom that the information on this site has brought to all of us.

        1. Thanks Mary! I tend to be scatter-brained in the morning, so my train of thought doesn’t always run smoothly.

    2. I became a dedicated listener of the Patriot Broadcasts on May 30, 2019. No broadcast today and I am missing that voice, so I am joining the conversation. You came through clearly, Sunfire. I get a lot of my fighting words from Henry.

      1. Thank you! I’m glad you found this site and the treasure trove of information contained therein.

  5. After listening to the broadcast last night being discussed here I must say that aside from totally agreeing that each of us must defend the Bill of Rights ourselves as the “one man-one woman army” type, honestly I really can’t add to this. Love your comment, Sunfire.

    1. Thank you for the words of encouragement. I look forward to the day that our Common Law courts are restored and the Bill of Rights is enforced as the Supreme Law.

  6. Henry,
    I’ve been a truther for a long time. I knew the govt’s story on 9/11 was bullshit as well as everything that’s happened since. I started listening to you several years ago and found strength in your message. I loved your one hour rants and expect a barn burner tomorrow. My copy of the Bill of Rights hangs proudly on my kitchen wall and I am well armed to defend it!

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