The Truth About Jews

Before It’s News – by truthlovingsoul

A compilation of teachings regarding the horrific and inhuman plans the Satanic Talmudist so-called “Jews” have in store for the goyim. That’s you and me. And your children and grandchildren.

Already we find ourselves deep in the clutches of a Zionist/Communist force who uses debt slavery and the media and education systems against us to keep us all in a state of confusion and debauchery. Good is evil. War is peace. Wrong is right. Up is down.

I know you see it. I know you feel it.

For thousands of years these Canaanite scum have been planning and plotting; infiltrating and subverting all good organizations, and some not so good, in order to control the narrative here on Earth. Time is short for them…..and for you unless you LEARN their methods and release all fear of speaking out against these devils.

There is a REASON we are not permitted to badmouth the so-called jews. Think about it. Who else on Earth is exempt from criticism? Punishable by law for speaking the TRUTH.

Try and think of any mainstream movie, book, play, documentary or television show about jewish crime other than Mickey Cohen of mafia fame. Now think of how many movies you’ve seen denoting how jews have been victimized. How many television shows depicting jews as bumbling, funny, harmless geeks……. The jewish-owned media will NEVER create a work on the jewish Bolshevik slaughter of 100 million Christians. The jewish-controlled education system will NEVER publish a textbook containing the truth about the Armenian genocide, where 1.5 million Christians were slaughtered by the Young Turks, who were in turn controlled by jews.

All of our histories are examined and found lacking in any exposure of the role of judaism in the deaths of Christian and Muslim peoples when in reality, the worst genocides, wars and insurrections were ALL created by the jews.

There are REASONS these beings were expelled over and over again from nearly every country on Earth. Horrifying reasons. Sickening reasons. Anti-human reasons.

One thought on “The Truth About Jews

  1. Wow, watched the vid. this morning. “Ye are of your father the Devil,” Christ spoke true words. We must get rid of them!
    Also, the second part of vid. has no sound, although it’s a repeat of the first part, so nothing missed.

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