This documentary includes the raw footage so there is no disputing what was done to these people. What you learned in history is not accurate. What we did to Germans during peacetime was horrific.

6 thoughts on “This documentary includes the raw footage so there is no disputing what was done to these people. What you learned in history is not accurate. What we did to Germans during peacetime was horrific.

  1. I wouldn’t trust the BBC or Candace Owens as far as I could throw them but this is definitely some truth. For a better presentation of these facts seek out this documentary based on Thomas Goodrich’s book “Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947” –

    “Hellstorm” (2015)

    “A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World War II.”

  2. A friend of mine who passed away several years ago paid me to type his auto-biography for the sake of loved ones, Born in early 1900s on Rhode Island. Served in WW2 and was part of the forces that took over Germany after the war…and he dated a German woman. He would, if still alive, verify that much of what this documentary says is true, and I know this because he stated so in his auto-bio, which I typed. He was disgusted by what allied troops there did after the war in what would become West Germany.

  3. on just about everything in history, especially WW2.. if you turn the story 180, completely opposite, you’ll be closer to the truth. still won’t have it but you’ll be closer than the horshit “narrative”. the allies (US) bombed and shot up supply trains going to camps.. killing lots of people and destroying supplies. with no supplies to support the camps, typhus broke out. and so on and on and on.. even Glen Beck reported that!!

    1. Yeah, “180” on so many things. They may hide the truth but they can’t hide the consequences of hiding it. Things seep out everywhere telling another story. And now we have the supposed attempted assassination on Trump. I must have read 10 articles or watched 10 vids already calling False Flag, offering analysis on what happened. Who knows the all of it?

      Then I read Melania’s note to the nation exalting the love of family, community, nation; calling us a “gentle” nation. Gentle towards whom, Melania? Certainly not “gentle” to the Palestinians, or any other victims of cruel conquest by this nation’s invasion — all done by bowing down to the demands of Israel. To feel sympathy only for oneself and one’s personal life-circle is to lack empathy for those denied the right to be safe and live free. Don’t know who said this, but… “Someone with low empathy may believe that a certain event would never happen to them.”

      The voting circus will run full-speed ahead with this latest “assassination” attempt. Ha, it just caught me that the first two syllables in assassination are ass and ass. Kind of sums up the two candidates. Then I look at the last two syllables of assassination and see the word nation and realize NO NATION CAN MAKE IT WITH AN ASS AT THE HELM. More than ever we need INTEGRITY. More than ever, WE NEED OUR BILL OF RIGHTS. With that I doubt we’d ever bomb or starve innocent people.


      1. Here are some comments from so-called world leaders on the “assassination” attempt. I guess NATO and the gang figure we don’t connect the dots regarding violence. And how they love that communistic word “democracy.”

        “Political violence in any form has no place in our societies…”
        — UK Prime Minister, Kier Starmer

        “Such acts of violence threaten democracy.”
        — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

        “Political violence has no place in a democracy.”
        — President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen

        “It cannot be overstated — political violence is never acceptable.”
        — Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister

        Why don’t they just come out and say, “Our violence against Palestinians and all other innocent people is not violence.” Oh, that’s right, I forgot, today must be GLOBAL DOUBLE-SPEAK DAY.


        1. They preach to us about how wrong violence is when all they do is build bombs and bomb people. Well, they do a lot more too. One calls to mind: bio-weapons, poisoning the food supply, out of control and false inflation, homelessness, starvation, unlawful surveillance, genocide, and a thousand other atrocities. Preach to me not!!


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