This is what we just got.

From M&T Bank:

Understanding What’s Important

We understand the growing concern associated with COVID-19 (coronavirus), not only world-wide, but right in the towns where we live and work.
Our teams are diligently focused on ensuring the continued health and safety of all our customers and employees, which includes following the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( In addition, we continue to work hard every day to make sure banking with M&T is always easy and convenient. 

We are available where and when you need us – in‑person, online, and on the go.

4 thoughts on “This is what we just got.

    1. Yes, paper money does carry germs, which is why we either wash out hands after touching it or use anti-bacterial (and now H2O2…again, thanks for the post about Isopropyl alcohol).

  1. They will go to any lengths to complete the con. Not one country has closed its borders, what does that tell ya!!

    The US military is still invading countries, more now than ever..

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