2 thoughts on “This new app is being used to control humanity!

  1. I know it seems paradoxical to advocate for destroying tech (and the psychos who run it) when I use the internet every day for news from FTTWR, informing videos, selling/promoting my novels, etc. but yes, tech is now at the forefront to enslave humanity and then destroy humanity as well as the Earth. I do not have a cell or smart phone for a reason. I do not tend to download apps for a reason. Don’t use Internet Explorer (Microsoft) and hardly use Chrome since it’s run by Google. Only use tech for good purposes, and spreading truth.

  2. What was jaw-dropping to me about this was that they are actually asking the people to take a selfie per hour to prove they are complying and staying home.

    Oh boy, the globe is a shakin’!!! I think it’s all starting to happen. God bless and protect the people!!


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