One thought on “Thomas Massie on jewish influence in American politics and AIPAC

  1. Tucker is so good at playin’ dumb. Give it up, Tucker.

    And milk-toast Massie… Hope he reads these two quotes below:

    “Western governments’ support for Israel is the biggest threat to free speech in our society today. Civil rights are being stomped out throughout the western world to protect Israeli information interests, and speech is being suppressed in support of Israel more aggressively than with any other topic. We’re not seeing this level of all-out warfare against free expression on any other frontline — not Russia, not vaccines, not ‘election security,’ not on any kind of ideological front. The west’s support for Israel is the number one threat to free speech in the west today, and nothing else comes anywhere close.”
    — Caitlin Johnstone, 3/5/25

    “We’re seeing journalists and activists persecuted and fired for opposing Israel’s genocidal atrocities in Gaza, protests violently shut down by police, new laws shoved through at alarming speed to help target pro-Palestine demonstrators, massive amounts of social media censorship across all major platforms — all while the mainstream press commit extremely egregious journalistic malpractice with obfuscations in their reporting and punditry designed to spin Israel’s abuses in a positive light.:
    — Caitlin Johnstone, 3/5/25


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