12 thoughts on “Thousand Greet Rubashkin In New Square

  1. Wow, just wow. What a place for a gas leak explosion.

    By the looks of them, my guess is no one there is more distant than a first cousin. It’s Christmas, I am being generous.

    1. Martist: A great observation. People (non-jews) in Europe and America should become more aware that as the jews strongly support racial purity for themselves, they actively promote “diversity” just the opposite, to the detriment of everyone else.

  2. So this is the same Sholom Rabashkin Donald J. Trump just Pardoned?
    The same Rabashkin who was convicted of 86 counts of financial fraud, including bank fraud, mail and wire fraud and money laundering?

    OYE VAY!

    1. “In 1963 the settlement had 85 families and a total of 620 inhabitants. By 1967 this increased to 126 families and 812 total residents. The community celebrated ten marriages in 1967. In 1970 the village had 1,156 inhabitants, with 57% of the population under the age of 18.”

      The village had around one hundred births each year from 1971 to 1986. By that year the village had 140 one-, two-, and three-family houses, a 45-unit low-rent apartment complex, 2,100 people, and 450 families with an average of 7 to 8 children per family. During the late 1970s the Town of Ramapo denied New Square’s attempt to annex land. Six years later, in March 1982, New Square gained the legal right to annex 95 acres (380,000 m2) of land.[9]

      Looks like a pedophile paradise.
      To be truthful, these appear to be jews who don’t represent the real problems facing the average American. I could be wrong, but they don’t seem to be getting much financial support from their zionist brothers, the really nasty culprits.
      Still, when one of their esteemed members hires non jews including underage children for slave labor and is also found guilty of that and substantial financial fraud, no problem.
      Interesting that Trump can commute this guys sentence but not those under grievous oppression by the BLM and the crooked court system in Nevada.

  3. The worldwide jewish support for this guy should say allot to all law abiding Americans and non jews worldwide. Yet another clue as to their intentions, and what the future has in store for any non jew within their financial grasp and political influence.

  4. i watched about 1 1/2 minutes and was actually surprised by how many red heads there were.

    i used to live near williamsburg in brooklyn 30 years ago. they were a bit abriasive but nice guys.

  5. And THIS is why we invented napalm!!!
    So just like the land they lost in battle 1400 years ago and stole back with the help of the US in 1947, these vermin have excluded all others from this piece of real estate, too.

  6. What you will never see, Is one of these so called Jihadi Alla Snack Bars, attack an announced group like this, even though they are supposedly their sworn mortal enemies…..Kinda Makes you go HHmmmm…. Seems like it would have been a very desirable time and place for that… HHmmmmm .

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