Thousands IGNORE stay-at-home order and cram along banks of the Hudson to watch Thunderbirds and Blue Angels

Daily Mail

Crowds of people ignored social distancing rules to watch the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels soar over New York City’s skies Tuesday. 

Pilots from the US Navy teamed up with the Air Force for the dazzling display over the Big Apple at around noon local time to pay tribute to the healthcare workers fighting COVID-19 on the frontlines.

The Blue Angels had earlier issued a warning, telling people to ‘refrain from traveling to see the flyover’, tweeting: ‘Residents should observe the flyover from the safety of their home-quarantine. Social distancing should be practiced at all times. Stay home and stay safe!’

But pictures show residents in New Jersey and New York ignored the warnings, with huge crowds gathered to watch the flyover in both states.

In an earlier statement the Air Force and Navy had said they partnered with local governments and media outlets to ‘help ensure spectators follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention social distancing guidelines’.

The Thunderbirds said the flyover would be ‘a show of national solidarity’ and ‘collaborative salute from the Navy and Air Force to recognize healthcare workers, first responders, and other essential personnel while standing in solidarity with all Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic’.

Read the rest here:

4 thoughts on “Thousands IGNORE stay-at-home order and cram along banks of the Hudson to watch Thunderbirds and Blue Angels

  1. Hooray for the people!! It’s all in the numbers.

    “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.”
    — Author Unknown


  2. They’re free to watch the military circle jerk, lick their boots and suck their arses in worship but don’t you dare say they’re useless traitors as THEY fly freely while WE are told to submit and they do and say NOTHING about it.

    More statist pre-sportsball game mic propaganda, but this time brought to you by the new flavor and face of tyranny.

    1. Ha! Thanks for the eye-opener, Martist. I actually thought I was commenting at the article on the beach-goers defying orders. See what happens when you comment before coffee?!! Geez.



    2. My sentiments exact. This is more propaganda to “support the troops, back the blue” bullshit. Wtf are people so proud of when every right has literally been trampled and they thumb ther noses at us telling people who can work or not, where you can gather and with how many, who’s “essential”. I’m sorry, but it’s a sad time to call myself American. I’d rather be dead than see this go on and leave this to my children. I was hoping those piece of shit planes would crash or drop out of the sky.

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