Thousands of protesters march on the streets of North Carolina, Missouri and Alabama demanding an end to lockdown

Daily Mail

Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of North Carolina, Missouri, Alabama and Florida to demand governors bring an end to coronavirus lockdown rules and reopen the states for business. 

Revolts against stay-at-home orders across several US states continued Tuesday, as thousands of Americans disregarded social distancing rules to protest against the shutdowns that have left millions out of work but health experts insist are critical to saving lives amid the deadly outbreak.

Protesters marched on downtown Raleigh in North Carolina throughout the day, gathering outside the General Assembly from 11am and filling Lane Street.

The ReOpenNC protest began just minutes after the state announced that another 34 people have been killed by coronavirus, marking the deadliest day North Carolina has so far seen during the pandemic.

This marked the second week of protests in North Carolina, with Tuesday’s event drawing a larger crowd of around 1,000 at its peak and political leaders joining in.

Protesters were seen flouting social distancing altogether Tuesday, with people packing much closer together than the six feet guidelines and ignoring health warnings to wear masks.

Read the rest and see the pics here:

2 thoughts on “Thousands of protesters march on the streets of North Carolina, Missouri and Alabama demanding an end to lockdown

  1. “Bill of Rights trumps executive order.” Great sign in the crowd.
    I also love the photo of the guy holding an older design American flag with his weapon. He looks resolved to use it when the time comes.

  2. ‘But he said protesters must practice social distancing while doing so in line with his executive order.’ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA………………………..

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