“Together At Home” Was An Infomercial for the Global Elite and its Agenda

Vigilant Citizen

Together At Home was more than a “virtual concert”. It was a show of force. It was broadcast everywhere, on all TV stations and on all streaming platforms. That fact alone was a strong indication of the sheer power behind this event. Furthermore, the list of celebrities and powerful people who appeared during that event was simply staggering with headliners such as Lady Gaga, Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift, and Celine Dion. However, this event was not only about music. The music was there to attract people. Between the performances, there were specific messages coming from powerful places.

Because, let’s not kid ourselves here: Lady Gaga was the face of the event, but she was not the engine behind it. Together At Home was a massive PR campaign from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the entire elite system behind it. Lady Gaga was put at the forefront of this event because her face and her name sell more than the face and the name of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the WHO.

For the same reasons, countless celebrities were enlisted to say specific messages because celebrities are the best vehicles to transmit messages from the elite to the masses.

"Together At Home" Was An Infomercial for the Global Elite and its Agenda

The logo itself sums up the message of the event: The hands of those in power keep people inside their houses. At the top: The words “One World”: A call for a global government.

While the event was meant to be “comforting”, there was something eerie about seeing countless celebrities (with a somewhat spaced-out look on their faces) repeat the same slogans, chant the same mantras and sing the praise of the same powerful organizations.

Here are some of the messages communicated throughout the event.

Creating a “COVID Culture”

The most obvious (and annoying) aspect of Together At Home was its celebration of a “COVID culture”. Indeed, in the past weeks, we’ve seen media doing its best to normalize a world where confinement, isolation, and video conferencing were the new norm. While social distancing is supposed to be an extreme (and very temporary) emergency measure to prevent the spread of a deadly disease, Together At Home appears to be promoting it as a long-term way of life.

And, to prove that “it is not so bad”, the usage of video conferencing is constantly promoted for everything. In the sad world that is presented in Together At Home, all aspects of life – including arts, family, business and education – can be fulfilled through video conferencing. In their new world, human connections depend on an internet connection. Maybe they want all human communications to be recorded … and monitored.

Read the rest here: https://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/together-at-home-was-an-infomercial-for-the-global-elite-and-its-agenda/

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