Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson Test Positive For Coronavirus As Outbreak Hits ‘Elvis Presley’ Film


We have just received word that Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have tested positive for the coronavirus. Both have been down in Australia for the pre-production of Baz Luhrmann’s untitled Elvis Presley film from Warner Bros. The two-time Oscar winner Hanks is set to play Presley’s longtime manager Colonel Tom Parker in the project.

Warner Bros. was notified that someone in the production had been diagnosed with coronavirus, the studio said in a statement to Deadline, adding that the person is receiving treatment and that “we are working closely with the appropriate Australian health agencies to identify and contact anyone who may have come in direct contact with the individual.”

Deadline received a statement directly from Hanks:

“Hello, folks.  Rita and I are down here in Australia.   We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches.   Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too.  To play things right, as is needed in the world right now,  we were tested for the Coronavirus, and were found to be positive.

Well, now.  What to do next?  The Medical Officials have protocols that must be followed. We Hanks’ will be tested, observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires.  Not much more to it than a one-day-at-a-time approach, no?

We’ll keep the world posted and updated.

Take care of yourselves!”

– Tom Hanks

Warner Bros.’ untitled Elvis Presley movie is scheduled to open on Oct. 1, 2021. That date is a long way off, however, Hanks has a film that’s opening much sooner on the schedule: Sony’s Greyhound which just got moved to Father’s Day weekend, June 12 from its May 8 release last week. Hanks also has two more movies scheduled for 2020: Amblin/Universal’s sci-fi movie BIOS and Uni’s News of the World on Dec. 25, both shot in New Mexico.

Hanks was recently lauded with the Cecil B. DeMille award at the Golden Globes, and earned his sixth Oscar nomination for playing Mister Rogers in Sony/TriStar’s A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood in the supporting actor category.

Read the rest here:

18 thoughts on “Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson Test Positive For Coronavirus As Outbreak Hits ‘Elvis Presley’ Film

  1. Call me when it kills him.
    And I want to see the body… in person. I want to take fingerprints from the corpse and verify the identity. Because beyond that, it is all just a rumor put out by a propaganda ministry that had the law changed so that it would not be unlawful for them to use propaganda on the masses.

    1. Lol
      I hear that

      What’s that saying about when you first learn to deceive?

      Well anyways
      Bring me your dead , because until I have the facts out of the mouths of liars and actors
      I won’t hold my breath

    2. I don’t think there will be a body Henry, when I heard him and his wife “tested positive”, first thing I thought was, more celebrity figures like them would also then be given that vaccine from israel that “everyone should take for their survival and safety”. Look, Tom Hanks did and now hes fine! Where do I get mine?

  2. What I get from this is….don’t f with big E or his name! No one could stand in his shoes…………….. amen! He was not about mammon, he is our family of all colors in the south. He did give us truth.

  3. You know, this has been very discouraging to me.. I really thought people were waking up to the media, but its looking like a lot of people are in panic mode, and have bought the hysteria hook, line and sinker. Store shelves are empty of soap and toilet paper. People are beating the shit out of each of other in stores over it. I didn’t think my people were this cowardly. We have at this moment about 15 supposed cases here in Phladelphia. I was listening to our local sports radio station and people were calling in saying they weren’t going to any sporting events, how terrified they are, and how its killing so many people. They are acting like they are piling up bodies and burning them in the streets. I keep asking people, “Do you know anyone that’s died from it? Do you know anyone, that knows someone that died from it?” I have yet for anyone to say yes. I’m still on the fence of whether this is even a real thing or not. I think that’s why we are going to see these celebrities now… its like, “Oh Tom Hanks, I know him!” Its all bullshit people.

    1. No panicking here in my little town
      No outrage either over bailouts
      I’m thinking they got that frequency dial set at ‘stupid’
      ….and plenty of soap and toilet paper here too and bleach is on sale… 🙂

  4. Wonder if the pigs are going to self quarantine?

    They are shutting down schools
    Gatherings etc

    These big pussies scared of everything should just stay home
    They be fearing for their lives

  5. Run pedophile run

    Could this be the cover the sick elite use to buy time to escape their crimes

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