Tom Petty Regrets ‘Downright Stupid’ Use of Confederate Flag

Yahoo News

Tom Petty has a message for the Confederate flag: Don’t come around here no more.

In light of South Carolina removing the Confederate flag from its statehouse, “Refugee” singer Petty has come forward to say that his decision to include the offending banner during his stage shows was “downright stupid.”

In an article published by Rolling Stone, Gainesville, Florida-born Petty admitted that he was “pretty ignorant” about the meaning of the flag as a child. For his tour to support his 1985 album “Southern Accents,” Petty used the Confederate flag as marketing material, a decision he now cringes over.  

“It was a downright stupid thing to do,” the singer said.

Petty goes on to explain that he used the flag because of the “Southern Accents” song “Rebels,” which was written from the point of view of someone who “talks about the traditions that have been handed down from family to family for so long that he almost feels guilty about the war.”

Unfortunately, Petty’s use of the flag onstage caught on with his audience, and on a tour two years later, “I noticed people in the audience wearing Confederate flag bandannas and things like that. One night, someone threw one onstage. I stopped everything and gave a speech about it. I said, ‘Look, this was to illustrate a character. This is not who we are. Having gone through this, I would prefer it if no one would ever bring a Confederate flag to our shows again because this isn’t who we are.’”

The situation “left me feeling stupid,” Petty said.

“Again, people just need to think about how it looks to a black person. It’s just awful,” he admitted. “It’s like how a swastika looks to a Jewish person. It just shouldn’t be on flagpoles.”

Petty goes on to reflect on the current state of race relations in America.

“The way we’re losing black men and citizens in general is horrific. What’s going on in society is unforgivable,” Petty said. “As a country, we should be more concerned with why the police are getting away with targeting black men and killing them for no reason. That’s a bigger issue than the flag.”

Petty’s remorse stands in marked contrast to Kid Rock, who last week offered his own message to those who criticize his own use of the Confederate flag.

“Please tell the people who are protesting to kiss my ass,” the rock star said in a statement to Fox News.

19 thoughts on “Tom Petty Regrets ‘Downright Stupid’ Use of Confederate Flag

  1. Spoken like the true luciferian, sold his soul WHORE, that ALL successful musicians and actors are. When it comes to that business, there’s only one way up, and that is spiritually down and dead. petty ( cap omitted intentionally, as he is petty ) is a classic example in my view.

  2. “It was a downright stupid thing to do,” the singer said.”

    “The situation “left me feeling stupid,” Petty said.”

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    The reason you FEEL stupid is because you ARE, @sswipe!!!

    1. Dammit, what a dumbass. Well, I guess I got quite a few more LP’s to take to the triangle file for weapons grade Frisbee discs. They’ll take a head clean off! Good music down the drain though.

  3. I think Petty has been californicated, he’s been #&(* up by left coast. Used to like him, but it’s been years since I’ve listened to or cared about what he’s had to say. So Mr. Petty, don’t come ’round here nor more.

  4. “Somewhere, somehow somebody
    Must have kicked you around some
    Tell me why you wanna lay there
    And revel in your abandon
    Listen it don’t make no difference to me baby
    Everybody’s had to fight to be free
    You see you don’t have to live like a refugee”

    Your words Tommy boy. Too bad you abandoned truth, and morals and traded them in for the political correctness of the day. Sell out. Hope a gator gets your arse, I hear they are fond of chicken.

  5. Tommy Tommy, you sell out, your music just lost all it’s meaning. I am sure your Jewish master is proud of you denying your heritage. WTF Tommy Boy, Grow a pair!!!!!!

  6. Another pathetic sellout trying to making himself relevant through “political correctness” after fading from former stardom. It’s obvious that this blithering idiot doesn’t know a damn thing about the Confederate battle flag. I find his arguments to be quite “petty”.

  7. I regret my downright stupid listening of Tom Petty music. Who the hell does he think his fan base is? Its not racist minorities or communists. Im done with this POS.

  8. You’re a political correctness sellout Tom, why don’t you grow a set for once. I suppose next you’ll join the other political correctness retards for the destruction of Stone mountain and mount Rushmore.

  9. This is really showing who the real people are in this country isn’t it?

    We should all be like Santa
    Making a list and checkin it twice

    My feelings have been if you have ties to Hollywood or are any entertainment companies lackey than your part of the problem
    So Tom Petty just lifted his mask
    Take a good look because he’s just one of most all of them contributing to the downfall of this country
    Next he will be in the Oval Office with the commander in thief singing about how he does nothing but “back down “

  10. Tom Petty has been told what he has to do if he wants his career as a rock star to continue.

    He has to either attack the flag he probably secretly loves, or drive a taxi to pay his rent. He’s in show business, and the Zionist’s own the show, so they own him as well.

    Boycott the fool. Don’t go to his concerts, and don’t buy his records. See how much money he makes from the commies he’s sucking up to.

  11. “And I, gooo back down. Yeah I’ll, gooo back down…hmmm hmmm hmmm…..”

    What petty will do to keep his star card and/or speak the truth.

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