Been screening nasty soy bean, and auguring into a bin.
There is so much talcum like dirt due to drought, I bet a bushel weighs close to three right from the wagon.
Spending way more time fixing sh!t then the rest.
A buddy dropped off donated a Kerr jar (bean jar) with some clear, clean home brew to adjust my attitude just after the photo…
Thank you, Trapper 🙂
This job ain’t as important as my people being free.
I’m good to go!
Love you all, as well 🙂
Its only going to get dirtier Hal, hope you got plenty of soap… I see you have raised your flag pole as well..
Looks like its still fairly warm there..No white shit yet thank god..
Been screening nasty soy bean, and auguring into a bin.
There is so much talcum like dirt due to drought, I bet a bushel weighs close to three right from the wagon.
Spending way more time fixing sh!t then the rest.
A buddy dropped off donated a Kerr jar (bean jar) with some clear, clean home brew to adjust my attitude just after the photo…
Thank you, Trapper 🙂
This job ain’t as important as my people being free.
I’m good to go!
Love you all, as well 🙂
Nice..! My feelings daily..!!
I share these sentiments, as well. Both hands!!