Transcript – FBI Spy Targeting Papadopoulos: Israelis Are ‘All F***ing Spies,’ ‘Execute Them All’

Breitbart – by Robert Kraychik

A declassified transcript published on Tuesday revealed a “confidential human source” (CHS) from the FBI deriding Israelis as “f-king spies” and “f-king c-ksuckers” who should be “executed” while surreptitiously surveilling George Papadopoulos two weeks after the 2016 presidential election. 

The 206-page transcript captured conversation between Papadopoulos and an unidentified CHS, seemingly across one continuous episode on November 26, 2016. Papadopoulos worked as an assistant on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

In an attached cover letter addressed to Sens. Richard Burr (R-NC), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Lindsey Graham, (R-SC), and Mark Warner (D-VA), Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd credits Attorney General William Barr with making the determination to declassify the transcript.

Papadopoulos is code-named “Crossfire Typhoon” (CT) throughout the transcript and referred to as such by an unidentified FBI agent at the beginning of the transcribed recording.

The CHS is quoted as saying, “No fucking Russians here that aren’t fucking…same with the Israelis they’re all fucking spies. Those fucking cocksuckers. They should execute them all.”

“I can smell an Israeli from a mile away, dude,” said the CHS in another moment. “I can tell you who is fucking Israeli.”

The CHS joked about being extradited to Israel. “Yeah I’m-I’m saying you probably fucking…you’re probably working out a deal with them [Mossad] motherfuckers on me [to] be fucking extradited to Israel.”

When Papadopoulos said he dated an Israeli girl, the CHS disparaged Russian Jews as “fake Jews.”

Read the rest here:

One thought on “Transcript – FBI Spy Targeting Papadopoulos: Israelis Are ‘All F***ing Spies,’ ‘Execute Them All’

  1. The bb comments are mind numbing.

    The collective IQ there is currently sub room temperature.

    papadopoulos even knows how fake they are and those idiots can’t even hear him over their cohorts pounding their keyboards like drunken trumpanzees.

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