Truckers parked in a Walmart lot wake up to boots, a $500 fine, and a 1 hour time limit to pay up

CDL Life – by Ashley

A truck driver shared video of a confrontation between parking enforcement workers and a group of truckers at a Kentucky Walmart last week.

The video was captured by Ryan Bergdoll at the Walmart off of I-75 in Williamsburg, Kentucky, on June 25. 

In the video, multiple truckers are awakened in the middle of the night to “boots” on their windshields and told they have just one hour to pay the $500 fee to have the boots removed. Bergdoll shared the Facebook Live video in a closed group and the video was later re-shared by Tristian Mullins.

Bergdoll talked to CDLLife to describe the events leading up to the confrontation with Walmart parking enforcement group R and R Parking Management.

“My 11 hours were up. I had stopped at the Pilot and checked for parking — there wasn’t any. So I went over to Walmart where there were 2 Walmart trucks plus 6 or 7 others. I pulled up, pulled my brakes, and ended my log. Around 11:30ish I walked out and put my garbage in a can. Then I went in [the Walmart store] and spent roughly $50 in groceries. Paid, walked out, put my groceries away, and pushed the cart back in the corral as well as grabbing another cart that was out. Crawled up in the bunk, now around 12:30 — 1:00 a.m. They “knocked” (a courtesy knock which I never heard) and that was around 3:45 — 4 a.m. Then they knocked so loud I thought my truck was hit and that’s when I woke up to them telling me that I had 1 hour to pay the $500 parking violation or my truck and trailer would be towed at my expense.”

Bergdoll said that he hadn’t seen any ‘no truck parking’ signage due to the number of trucks already parked in the lot. Bergdoll says in the video that he has parked in the Walmart lot “hundreds and hundreds” of times without issue.

Though the R and R Parking Management worker in the video says that the sleeping drivers were warned with a knock before they were booted, Bergdoll says that he is skeptical that they did so.

When we asked how the confrontation ended as far as he knew, Bergdoll said, “I paid the ticket with an EFS check. My company was going to call and I have not heard other than from my trucking family on here.”

You can view the video below.

A number of other truck drivers have reported similar run-ins with R and R Parking Management, including well-known singer Brad James, who also shared his encounter on Facebook Live after he was awakened around 3 a.m. at a Brea, Kentucky Walmart location.

Truck parking policies at Walmart locations vary. When in doubt, it never hurts to call a Walmart location and speak to the manager about overnight truck parking policies.

3 thoughts on “Truckers parked in a Walmart lot wake up to boots, a $500 fine, and a 1 hour time limit to pay up

  1. I’ve been threatened a couple times, Missouri in my case. The punk ass bitch was rude as hell, I told him to watch his damn mouth, he threatened to call cops, I told him go ahead, but not before I beat the shit out of you for treating me like a bitch.

    He walked off, and I drove off, wasn’t in the mood for a fight and then jail.

    Walmart hires these pieces of shit to sheriff their parking, some walmarts are cool, others are bitches.

    It’s all up to the manager, what happens is some of the illegal invader drivers leave pee bottles and bags of shit laying around on the lot, this ruins it for everybody else.

    Some managers understand and realize that those trucks spend big money in these stores, those 7 trucks probably all spent together close to a thousand dollars.

    Walmart needs to get their shit together and start thinking about porta potties in the damn lots, while the waltons are relaxing on the beach counting their billions, the people who keep their asses in the big money are being treated like dirt.

    None of these Waltons ever worked an honest day in their life,

    1. “In the video, multiple truckers are awakened in the middle of the night to “boots” on their windshields and told they have just one hour to pay the $500 fee to have the boots removed.”

      I can see @ssholes getting shot by truckers over this bullsh#t, Mark.

      Last comment today… wi-fi here sucks, that’s why so long between comments (freeze up/shut down/restart).

  2. Jew corporation tactics. Mercantilism, Undercut all locals out of business. Then F-k the customers.

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