Tyranny By Stealth (Christian Zionists)

Published on Mar 24, 2017

A GENTLE NUDGE . . . It is time to get up now, you have been sleeping, it’s time to wake up, open your eyes, you have been asleep within Plato’s cave. A construct built around you, a narrative controlled by people who do not have your best interest in mind.

It’s time to get up, it is time to see the world as it is, it is time to think, it is time to question. To question why so many die of cancer, why so many kids are autistic? Why there are so many drug commercials aired on your flat screened TV’s.

It is a construct of lies, lies of omission, and half truths told to you since you were a child. As you wipe the sleep from your eyes, you will realize that your emotions, your fears as well as your dreams have been manipulated, in order to control your very thoughts.

Knowing that there are people who have been telling you that black is white and that up is down is the most significant point within the context of your awakening. It is here that you will begin to see that much of what you are angry about, such as terrorism, mass shootings, illegal immigrants, the refugee crisis, ISIS, high crime rates, etcetera, etcetera, have been orchestrated by those who stand to gain from human misery.

These very dark natured people of which I speak, make their deals with the beast, and never ever do the right thing, just because it is the right thing to do. Know that the enemy is within the gate, and that they do conspire to keep you asleep.

They will tell the populace both to be kind, and or hate the refugees that they have created within their construct of planned chaos. This in order to divide the unwitting masses. So called “illegal’s” are driven on purpose from their homelands, but this truth remains hidden along with the dark one’s nefarious agendas.

Division and deflection are the methodologies of those hidden behind you, as you gaze at the shadows on the wall. It’s time to get up, it is time to see the world as it is, it is time to think, it is time to question. In the most kindest way I can muster, and from a place where I wrestle with my own demons, have I given to you this thing that I have called A GENTLE NUDGE . . .

5 thoughts on “Tyranny By Stealth (Christian Zionists)



  2. “….from a place where I wrestle with my own demons, have I given to you this thing that I have called A GENTLE NUDGE . . .”

    Keep giving them that “gentle nudge” for long enough and what you’ll realize is that they need a swift kick in the ass.

  3. “Know that the enemy is within the gate, and that they do conspire to keep you asleep.”

    Known & noted.

    Thankfully, in my case (and most Trenchers’ as well) THAT particular conspiracy was an epic FAIL!!!

  4. Frank’s diary was written in ball point pen, which was not available at the time. The diary also talks about all the christian holidays, not the jewish ones.

    Elie Wiesel who wrote Night doesn’t speak Hungarian, doesn’t have the number tattoo and the photo of him in the camp was faked. He’s a proven fraud.

    And Fred Leuchter, American gas chamber expert, testified in court that the belief in gas chambers that killed humans in WWII is absolute folly.

    The [Fred] Leuchter Report – FULL

    Let’s start teaching our children about the real Holocaust perpetrated by jews in Russia before during and after WWII, claiming the lives of an estimated 66 million White Russian Christians between the years 1917 and 1958.

    Maybe our children should also learn about the jewish led genocide of the Armenians 1920-1922 of 1.8 million Armenians, the ongoing jewish genocide of the Palestinian people, the jewish genocide of Whites in South Africa, or the current jewish genocide of Whites world wide.

    Just a thought!

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