US House delegations, including Omar, Tlaib, arriving in Israel

World Israel News

The American Israel Education Foundation, a charity affiliated with AIPAC, is sponsoring two groups of U.S. legislators from the House of Representatives on visits to Israel. The first, a Democratic delegation, arrives on Monday. The second, made up of Republicans, is scheduled to arrive later in the week.

Both will come for a week-long tour. They will also visit the Palestinian Authority. 

The Democratic delegation will include 41 House members and is led by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland.

In a statement issued by his office, he said “Members will visit Israel’s borders with Lebanon and Syria and see an Iron Dome battery. The delegation will also visit important historical and cultural sites, including the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial.”

“I am pleased to join so many House Democrats in traveling to Israel to reaffirm our support for a critical U.S. ally and to continue learning about the opportunities and the challenges facing Israel and the Middle East,” Hoyer said.

“Seeing the region firsthand and meeting with key Israeli and Palestinian leaders gives Members insights into a region that is vital both to our own national interests and to global security.”

Also participating in the Democrat delegation will be Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. In a February tweet that caused a firestorm of criticism, Omar accused AIPAC of buying support for Israel, an accusation that borrowed from anti-Semitic tropes involving Jews, money and power.

“It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” she tweeted. When asked to clarify what she meant by the opinion editor of the Jewish newspaper The Forward Omar said “AIPAC!”

She then apologized on Twitter for what she said was her unintended use of anti-Semitic tropes, but maintained her criticism of lobbying organizations like AIPAC, saying “I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA or the fossil fuel industry.”

Her criticism, however, did not prevent her from joining the AIPAC-affiliated trip.

Omar introduced a bill last month supporting the (BDS) Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.

Another controversial figure joining the Democratic delegation is Rep. Rashida Tlaib from Michigan, who also supports BDS and co-sponsored Omar’s bill. Tlaib has denounced Israel for its “racist policies.”

The Republican delegation of House members will arrive on Friday. It will be led by House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy of California.

AIPAC has sponsored House delegations in the past as part of its efforts to educate Congress.

2 thoughts on “US House delegations, including Omar, Tlaib, arriving in Israel

  1. Shouldnt be any surprise. This is what all American politicians do. It’s how you make it in American politics, to kiss the ass of kikes.
    “Seeing the region firsthand and meeting with key Israeli and Palestinian leaders gives Members insights into a region that is vital both to our own national interests and to global security.”
    Had to laugh at this statement, as if Palestinians have a leadership. If so, show it to me. All I see are puppet men beholden to israeli and western money to pretend to be an authority of Palestinians while subverting them to Israel’s demands and dictates. And before the comments come in about these “Muslim, foreigners, etc” remember, there is an endless list of white, so called Christian, so called American nationals who’ve been more than happy to make the same trip and do the same deeds. To the powers that be….the day promised to you will come.

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