US Troops ‘Will Be Going Back Into Afghanistan’: Lindsey Graham


Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has been ramping up calls to impeach US President Joe Biden over the hectic troop pullout from Afghanistan, insisting that the “derelict” commander-in-chief had “ignored sound advice” in relation to the withdrawal operation.

Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) believes that American troops will return to Afghanistan despite the chaotic military withdrawal from the country that was completed on 30 August.

“We will be going back to Afghanistan as we went back into Iraq and Syria,” Graham said in an interview with BBC.

Replying to BBC HARDTalk Presenter Stephen Sackur, who asked whether he sincerely believes that Washington will be willing to go back to the country that is now under de-facto control of the Taliban*, Graham said that the US simply had no other choice.
“We’ll have to because the [terror] threat will be so large,” the senator argued, adding that Afghanistan could turn into a hotspot for “radical Islamic behaviour”, as well as a safe haven for al-Qaeda* terrorists.

According to Graham, concerns for the rise of terrorist elements is exactly the reason why the US “went back” to Iraq, where “5,000 troops” are stationed today.

BBC reported in July following the talks between Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi and Joe Biden that there were currently 2,500 US troops in Iraq helping local forces to repel the Daesh* threat.

Graham claims that the US has few options regarding should deal with the current situation in Afghanistan.

“Here is my solution: help the resistance in the Panjshir valley, the Taliban will not be able to govern Afghanistan, they are hated by the Afghan people. What’s gonna happen over time as you see the resistance rise? ISIS* will come after the Taliban large and the entire country is going to fracture in the next year, creating a perfect storm for Western interests to be attacked.”

The Republican senator said that in response, the United States could either take a “that’s no longer my problem” stance or a “hit before they hit you” approach.

Last month, Lindsay Graham said that he feared that a “parade of horribles” was about to unfold in Afghanistan: “The chance of another 9/11 just went through the roof,” he said in the interview with CBS.

The senator had previously called for the impeachment of Joe Biden over the Afghan withdrawal fiasco and evacuation chaos, saying that the US president had “been derelict in his duties as commander-in-chief”.

“I don’t think he got bad advice and took it. I think he ignored sound advice,” Graham raged. “I think the best you could describe is dereliction of duty at the highest level.”

The Taliban forces took Afghanistan’s capital Kabul on 15 August almost without a fight, and proclaimed the end of the 20-year-long war the next day. The militants still continued fighting the National Resistance Front in the province of Panjshir, the only territory in Afghanistan which is believed to not have fallen under the group’s control. However, the Taliban had announced several times in the last few days that the group had finally managed to capture the province, with the National Resistance Front repeatedly refuting these claims.

*Daesh (also known as ISIS/ISIL/IS), al-Qaeda and the Taliban are terrorist groups outlawed in Russia and many other countries.

7 thoughts on “US Troops ‘Will Be Going Back Into Afghanistan’: Lindsey Graham

  1. Nooo, ya don’t say? You mean it was just a stir of the pot to increase division and soak us for more travel expenses, flood US with refugees and give pissreal’s henchmen armaments to do more of their devil’s dirty work?

    Color me surprised.

  2. They are still there , they did not do this shit without an evil plan… you Scumbag…. if you work for the US corps army navy airfarce coast guard you are a traitor to the American Nationals. we can deal with you watch and see!!! and we dont appreciate your fkin special license plates holders F*ck you!!!!

  3. When i was kid i had to watch diaria of ann franck, they made sure you watched that fkin bllsh*T IN SCHOOL…. But was never taught about the Bill of Rights…………….

  4. Lindsey, a perfect name, will be leading the charge. On Point.
    Carrying the Fag Flag…oops…Rainbow of Death Flag.
    Wearing rainbow colored uniforms. To blend in.
    A little known fact. Lindsey Graham was a former Afghani “Sissy Boy” until he went through(?) puberty. He was much older than most of his peers as his testosterone levels and asssociated “physical” development was very delayed. It’s questionable even in 2021.
    I think I saw that on a National Geographic documentary.
    Or maybe I’m confusing it with a National Geographic documentary about Nazis, Hitler, Hitler, Nazis, Hitler, Nazis, Nazis, Hitler, Nazi, Hitler, etc.
    Basically the same programming as the AHC, Adolph Hitler Channel.
    The owners and controllers of these legacy media channels, the goos, try to pass it off to stupid Americans as the American Heroes Channel.
    The plan needs to be. F**k the goos. Give them Lead therapy at a high velocity. High velocity lead injection is a 100% effective treatment for the SCV2 imaginatory “thingy”.

  5. At
    it is written:
    “In 2001, the Taliban’s sole demand was amnesty.”

    In 2021, did “da prez'” or someone else demand amnesty for the translators and other individuals that helped the american military in Afghanistan during the last two decades? Who decided that they must go to EU or to America as cheap labor and how come all mass media has “catapulted the propaganda”?

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