VA Supervisor: Older Veterans Should Be “Shot In The Head” To Save Money

Infowars- by Paul Joseph Watson

A Veterans Affairs whistleblower has exclusively revealed to Infowars that the facility at which he works has engaged in a of cover-up in response to the VA hospital scandal, while also relating the story of how one supervisor expressed his desire to see older veterans “taken outside and shot in the head.”  

The whistleblower, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, works at a large 250 acre VA hospital in North Carolina. He presented his credentials to us which checked out. The VA employee lifted the lid on a number of shocking details during an interview with Sgt. Joe Biggs.

“Recently there’s been a very rapid race to move records, boxes, change labels, whatever it may be, they’re putting them in rooms that nobody would look in….and there’s multiple times that I have seen in the past week or so them moving boxes….so apparently they’re hiding their tracks somewhere,” stated the VA employee, adding that the activity preceded an inspection of the facility, suggesting it was part of an effort to conceal evidence in the aftermath of the secret waiting list scandal.

Even more chilling was a warning sent out to VA employees at the facility which, according to the whistleblower, was meant to get across the message, “Do you see what happens to the people that try to get things straight around here, they’re not here anymore,” a tone the whistleblower described as “pretty telling.”

The employee also revealed the shocking attitude of one supervisor at the hospital towards older veterans, who asserted that older vets “should be taken outside and shot in the head because they’re worthless.” The individual still works at the hospital and was not disciplined for his comments.

“How can you stop the corruption and the insanity if you have a supervisor who is a non-veteran saying these things to veterans, scaring them about their jobs and telling them because they’re an older veteran ‘you ought to be taken outside and shot in the head’,” asked the employee.

The whistleblower also related how he knew veterans that had been denied health care at the hospital. However, since the VA scandal broke in the news, the whistleblower states there has been a huge influx of patients into his facility, a move he describes as “a dog and pony show.”

Explaining that the scandal went way beyond patient care, the whistleblower said that corruption within the VA was “overwhelming,” and that working doctors were being replaced by students and residential doctors on weekends to save money.

“That creates a cost cut on the clinical side which lines the pockets of the upper administration and puts our veterans’ health at risk,” asserted the whistleblower, adding that his facility routinely loses patients and that “there’s lack of care everywhere.”

The employee also revealed that cronyism was rampant within the hospital, with family members of existing staff being hired in preference of veterans in desperate need of employment.

“It’s a huge bureaucracy and it’s a huge game and somebody has to break the corruption,” stated the whistleblower, adding that people were scared to speak out because they might lose their jobs and their pensions.

“There’s more than just what you’re seeing on TV and they’re hiding a lot of things and you’re never going to see it on the mass media,” concluded the whistleblower.

The new revelations come in the aftermath of a scandal that has claimed the lives of at least 40 veterans as a result of them being kept on secret waiting lists. The backlogs which caused the deaths are now known to have occurred in at least 19 states. New questions have also emerged about VA workers gaming the system at the expense of veterans. A whistleblower also revealed how she wasordered to falsify records of appointments at Fort Collins, Colorado to make it appear as if veterans were receiving speedy treatment.

Concerns that the VA scandal represents an example of death panels waiting to happen under Obamacare have been expressed in recent days as Obama himself faces mounting criticism over his failure to address the issue publicly.

“It’s simply unconscionable,” said radio host Rush Limbaugh on his national broadcast Monday. “So you have to ask, the natural assumption is that nobody wants these people to die, even if you add the death panel component, nobody wants these people to die, yet they are. At the very least what we’re dealing with here is a total inability to deal with this. And at worst it’s the death panel being done on purpose.”

The issue of death panels and the eugenicist mindset of people having to die in order to allow others to have jobs or health care has stoked controversy for years, most notably in 2010 when Bill Gates suggested that elderly patients should be denied medical treatment in order to spend the money on hiring more teachers. Newsweek also promoted a similar idea in a 2009 front page story entitled‘The Case For Killing Granny’.

VA Whistleblowers can contact us at You are free to remain anonymous but we need to know the state where the incident occurred.

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7 thoughts on “VA Supervisor: Older Veterans Should Be “Shot In The Head” To Save Money

  1. The people put in charge at the VA are psychopaths. They do not have the ability to feel empathy for others. This type of mindset is also common in politics. Harry Reid comes to mind with the Bundy ranch. Now take this uncaring mentality at the VA and multiply it times 50 . You have just entered the minds of banksters and hedge fund CEO’s and most of Wall Street. Being thrown out of your home because of liar loans and out on the street can be more excruciating than waiting in line at the VA, but the banksters get rich, and get promoted due to your misery.

    1. “The people put in charge at the VA are psychopaths.”

      While some people within any profession may be psychopaths, this is not necessarily always true in the Medical field. First examine the definition of psychopath:

      World English Dictionary

      — n
      Also called: sociopath a person afflicted with a personality disorder characterized by a tendency to commit antisocial and sometimes violent acts and a failure to feel guilt for such acts…
      Doctors and nurses are taught from the very beginning of their careers, NOT to become personally or emotionally attached to their patients. This especially holds to be true for VA patients who are senile seniors in their 90’s. This is an ugly aspect of VA, when the Fed has had all the money in the World to send men into battle for the last 100-years, but has limited resources/funds to repair their injuries or to care for them in their final years of life.

      I’ve had the dubious pleasure of having a conversation with a WW2 veteran regarding Pearl Harbor being a staged event that FDR allowed to happen to get the USA into the War. The veteran’s response was just what I expected: “My Government would NEVER do something like that!”

      So, even if a VA Supervisor is on the record as saying: “Older Veterans Should Be ‘Shot In The Head’ To Save Money”– good luck in getting the older veterans to believe it.

      It’s not like we have had the option to end this f@#king endless war of terror. With limited resources, who should receive the treatment: the 90+-year-old veteran who can no longer care for their self, or the young 25-year-old veteran who has a wife and kids? It’s the unspoken reality that the VA has to deal with — the real psychopaths are the politicians who keep sending our military troops into preemptive Wars based on false flag scenarios THEY created.

      Furthermore, you are gravely mistaken if you think it is only veterans who are being systematically euthanized by the pharmaceutical, medical, and hospital industry.

  2. So maybe that supervisor needs to be shot in the head.You know, just to clean up the gene pool a bit.

  3. This simple goes to show ,if this story is true and I do think that it is,why some things in the VA are the way that they are.I’m a veteran and go to the VA here in Tampa ,Florida and All I have for them is praise and my encounter with them has been 100% positive and overall all the vets I speak with there like the place too.I am equally sure that is not the case all over so i seems to be a crap shoot about going to the VA as a whole so that would lead one to believe that it is the administration.The doctors and nurses I have encountered have been the best I could ever hope for and at no time would I have wanted to be at any other hospital! Good luck to all the vets out there needing help and I wish them well. They do need to get to the bottom of this mess but it is the government you know and we all know how that is not going to happen as the feds continue to try and cover up anything that they can,lies and theft is what they are the best at anyway so this had to be at a level that even they couldn’t hide any longer.That supervisor still having a job there speaks volumes as to what the problem really is.If there is such a thing as Karma his or hers is going to be a real bitch!

  4. Wow! It’s that simple? Just shoot people in the head to save money?

    I’m all for it.

    Start with Congress.

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