Vaccine dangers: The facts don’t lie

vaccineNatural News – by Jonathan Landsman

Do you remember the 2009 “Swine Flu Pandemic” – which supposedly threatened millions of unvaccinated people? Naturally, if we ask the pharmaceutical industry, the Swine Flu vaccination campaign was a ‘huge success’. Unfortunately, according to the National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey, an estimated 46 million people were duped into believing that a flu shot was their only hope.  

Modern healthcare is run by criminal organizations. How else can you explain the never ending use of fear tactics to convince people that chemical injections will strengthen immunity and prevent disease? On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Mary Tocco, a widely-respected vaccine researcher will expose the truth (and lies) about vaccines.

All vaccines are contaminated with deadly substances

Now I know that the above statement sounds ‘radical’; some may even accuse me of being a ‘conspiracy theorist’. But, the fact remains that medical experts – with far more knowledge about vaccines than me – have admitted enough to convince me to avoid vaccines – until they come up with a safer method of delivery.

Remember what the (now deceased) head of vaccines at Merck once said about the Hepatitis B vaccine? Dr. Maurice Hillerman, once on camera, admitted that Merck’s Hepatitis B vaccines – contaminated with a virus – caused the AIDS epidemic in the United States. Oh, by the way, he went on to say that all Merck vaccines are contaminated with cancer and other viruses.

Dr. Larry Palevsky, a board certified NY pediatrician, routinely gave vaccines to his patients – until he noticed them losing eye contact and then began researching the topic. He discovered that all vaccines are contaminated with viruses that are so small they can never be removed. He no longer gives out vaccines and treats young patients for autism and other neurologic injuries related to vaccines.

And, finally, one of the most cited scientists in the world – Dr. Garth Nicolson – has a serious warning for anyone considering vaccines. As a cell biologist, publisher of 600 medical and scientific peer-reviewed papers, editor of over 14 books (his credentials go on and on), Dr. Nicolson is not just saying that vaccines are contaminated with mycoplasma but is warning the U.S. that they are. 

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3 thoughts on “Vaccine dangers: The facts don’t lie

  1. “Unfortunately, according to the National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey, an estimated 46 million people were duped into believing that a flu shot was their only hope.”

    I was not one of those unfortunate people. They are not going to stick that poison in my body!

  2. My first daughter received her first 3 vaccines within months of her birth. That was 3 out of about 6 to 9! This was due to a disagreement with my wife. Now, between the time we stopped vaccinating our first daughter and while our second daughter was in the womb I convinced my wife of the harmful effects of vaccines with a lot of data on how harmful vaccines are, and to not have her subjected to ANY vaccines.

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