Wary of robots taking jobs, Hawaii toys with guaranteed pay

CBS News

HONOLULU — Driverless trucks. Factory robots. Delivery drones. Virtual personal assistants.

As technological innovations increasingly edge into the workplace, many people fear that robots and machines are destined to take jobs that human beings have held for decades–a trend that is already happening in stores and factories around the country. For many affected workers, retraining might be out of reach —unavailable, unaffordable or inadequate.  

What then?

Enter the idea of a universal basic income, the notion that everyone should be able to receive a stream of income to live on, regardless of their employment or economic status.

It isn’t an idea that seems likely to gain traction nationally in the current political environment. But in some politically progressive corners of the country, including Hawaii and the San Francisco Bay area, the idea of distributing a guaranteed income has begun to gain support.

Read the rest: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hawaii-considers-universal-basic-income-guaranteed-pay-robots-taking-jobs/

9 thoughts on “Wary of robots taking jobs, Hawaii toys with guaranteed pay

  1. IMO, this ‘idea of a universal basic income, the notion that everyone should be able to receive a stream of income to live on, regardless of their employment or economic status.’………..is a precursor to the cashless digital system

  2. notice that all the “tech billionaires” are for this……yet they are the ones that will benefit from the robot armies….

    my suggestion to all is not do business with companies who use robots….

    robots on an assembly line in a factory is much different than burger flippers. the only way to fight these assholes is to not give them our money. protect human interaction.

    as far as universal basic income……when will they ever learn…..?

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