West Hollywood Inundated With AMAZING Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters

The Daily Wire – by Hank Berrien

On Wednesday morning, posters suddenly appeared in West Hollywood, California featuring a gay version of the Gadsden Flag featuring a rattlesnake on top of the gay rainbow. The flags also had the hashtag #ShootBack indicating a more proactive approach to gay self-defense.

The posters were attracting attention in front of the Pacific Design Center, The Abbey, West Hollywood City Hall and in front of artist Chad Michael Morrisette’s house.  Morrisette had covered the roof of his house with 50 mannequins to make a statement about the Orlando shootings.  

If one picture is worth a thousand words, the series of posters surely represented an eloquent plea to the LGBT community and other Americans to stand as one (thus the “Don’t Tread On Me symbol of the American Revolution), as well as a marked attempt to encourage the LGBT community to eschew their traditional pacifist role and take up arms to defend themselves, in the manner of Americans from the Minutemen of the Revolutionary War to the armed service members who defend American values to this very day.

In pictorial fashion, the poster truly represented a call to arms.

If the series of terrorist attacks across America over recent years have proven anything, it is certainly the government’s inability to protect American citizens from acts of terror. Thus the call to arms is much more than symbolic; it is a very real reminder that citizens must be ever-vigilant and prepared to confront evil when it comes intent on violence, and the only real path to ensuring one’s own survival is to rely on the most powerful deterrent that one can utilize. Those who would emasculate Americans by denying them the right to bear arms are guilty of aiding and abetting evil when it strikes.

California has traditionally been at the forefront of the leftist agenda, and it is no different concerning the right to bear arms. Quite often, as California goes, so goes the nation. To see how close California is to the brink of eliminating the right to bear arms, see here.


3 thoughts on “West Hollywood Inundated With AMAZING Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters

  1. I smell cointelpro, like what they did with the black panthers during the Vietnam War protest era.

  2. I agree with the 2 comments above. As I have given some thought to the rainbow symbol, the use of the rainbow by the Sodomites is a defiant symbol in the face of the Creator. He burnt the Sodomites to ashes for their sodomy. After He drowned all like abominations (which were many)= “every imagination of man was only evil continuously”, He gave/produced the rainbow. The New Age ‘movements’ (they are crappy) which include the Sodomites today have hi jacked this symbol to represent a nice image. But, the rainbow goes back in origin to a time when The Creator had had enough of sodomy. pedophilia, bestiality and other like abominations. He, wiped the table clean. It appears that these posters using the symbol of the Gadson (sp?) is another coordinated/funded operation of the Jews to get theses miscreants worked up and armed up for more division. More internal strife. But, you don’t hear closing the borders to Islam, or, any connection to the Cabal. It’s more pickle (green smoke from the Wizard of OZ) smoke and mirrors.This is what the enemies of the world=The Zionist Jews do! This is what they do. They are imposters who don’t have an original thought. They hi jack everything good, put their definition on it and turn it into evil. They are evil parasites. I don’t like seeing insane sodomites arming up because they aren’t concerned with me, my children or my values. However, perhaps this could push open the anti gun door wider for normal people. Me

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