What Happens When A Russian Surface-To-Air Missile Launch Goes Horribly Wrong

Silver is the New

Shortly after Russia announced early last week that it would take advantage of the lifting of the Iran sanctions and proceed to deliver an unknown number of S-300 “defensive” surface-to-air missiles, the Kremlin sought to reassure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that any deliveries of these to Iran will not threaten Israel’s security.

Judging by the following video which captures what happens when a launch of a S-300 SAM goes horribly wrong (and the immediate stunned aftermath), he may very well be right.  

That, or the Russian troops were simply showcasing what will happen one day when no amount of Mario Draghi threats can push the EURUSD higher any longer.



3 thoughts on “What Happens When A Russian Surface-To-Air Missile Launch Goes Horribly Wrong

  1. Funny I saw a Peace keeper missile do the same thing in testing at vandenberg afb in the 80’s…Peace keeper was a bit bigger, an icbm. It didnt explode on impact, just kind of went thud….

  2. Crack in the fuel. Flame out. Happens. Maybe they dropped it a time or two. In handling the thing.

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