What would a large-scale gun confiscation look like?

After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was placed under martial law.  Residents were forcibly disarmed and forcibly evacuated.  (Source: Shannon Stapleton / Reuters)Police State USA

In the deepest fears of every freedom-loving American is the sinister thought of government following through with a mass confiscation of firearms — the tools of independence and self-preservation.

Some envision a proverbial “house-to-house” confiscation effort.  Police — perhaps soldiers — would be given an order to collect guns and they would literally go to every house in the country to find the guns and seize them.  

These fears are often met with denial and deluded reassurance. But should they be ignored?

Could it Happen Here?

Dramatic, mass gun grabs depend on the perception of urgency or imminent danger.  The mass mobilization and intensity has to be fueled by something — real or contrived.  The enforcers must at least be moderately convinced that their actions will contribute to societal order.

Historically, these mass violations of rights have occurred during times of crisis or war.  These are the situations in which troops can be most easily convinced that restricting the liberties of the people is actually for their own good.  Indeed, it could happen here.  And it has.

In 1775, during a time of palpable civil unrest among the colonies, the Massachusetts governor ordered soldiers to confiscate firearms from civilians in the interest of thwarting a rebellion.

Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln.

In 1861, after rejecting the power of states to peacefully secede from the Union, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Confiscation Act, thus authorizing federal troops to confiscate firearms from civilians in preparation for military reconquest of the South.

In 1890, during the height of the American Indian “relocation” effort, U.S. troops disarmed the Lakota people en masse “for their own safety and protection” as they were corralled into their new home.  Most of the tribe was massacred when a deaf Lakota man refused to surrender his rifle to the federal soldiers.

In 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt used a foreign attack on an American territory to justify the mass confiscation of guns and other property from thousands of people deemed “enemy aliens” all over the United States.  After the confiscation, these disarmed individuals were rounded up and placed in concentration camps.

As history shows, tumultuous situations present the best opportunities to annihilate civil liberties.  Often, a hysterical populace — especially one in fear of physical safety and security — will show little resistance to forfeiture of individual rights.

A Case Study

In 2005, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the city of New Orleans became a veritable disaster area and was rife with violence and vandalism.  The government’s solution was to launch a wholesale gun confiscation effort in the city — door-to-door.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin declared that the city was under a state of “martial law” and proceeded to sic his enforcers on the innocent public with the usual excuses of preserving public safety and order.   Police Superintendent Eddie Compass’ chilling words still echo in the memories of many:

House-to-house gun confiscation during Hurricane Katrina (Source: ABC) House-to-house gun confiscation during Hurricane Katrina (Source: ABC)

“There’s a martial law declaration in place that gives us legal authority for mandatory evacuations,” Compass said.  “No one will be able to be armed. We will take all weapons. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns.”

Cops and National Guard units went door-to-door — with their own guns drawn — to steal the means of protection from innocent homeowners and shopkeepers.  More than 1,000 firearms were seized, and untold numbers of people, houses, and vehicles were aggressively searched in the process.  Residents who had already suffered the hardships of the hurricane were left battered, violated, and defenseless by the government.

Victims of the Katrina confiscation say that they had government rifles trained on them until they surrendered their firearms.  Their property was stolen without due process, without receipts, damaged, and often never returned.  The enforcers went so far as to punch an elderly woman in the face while taking her unloaded revolver.   Homeowners were then either left to fend for themselves unarmed, or taken to a filthy FEMA-run refugee camp inside the local football stadium.

Following the disaster, the government promised that gun confiscation will never happen again.  But such guarantees aren’t worth the paper they are printed on during a crisis situation.  The guarantees in the constitution are certainly have not been upheld — why should one more resolution to prevent future gun confiscation?

The Next Gun Confiscation

(Source: Erik Kellar)

(Source: Erik Kellar)

It is clear that the lingering possibility of another door-to-door gun confiscation cannot be discounted.  Americans must carefully guard their liberties in any future war, terrorist attack, natural disaster, or incidence of of civil unrest.  Although the scope and duration of such confiscation orders has been limited thus far in America’s brief history, other countries can attest that this is not always the case.  The results for those involved is often devastating or deadly.

In lieu of a drastic emergency situation, mass confiscation of this sort would be politically challenging.  What may appear instead is a more gradual creep of restrictions and regulations that are not limited in scope or duration.  While the climactic “confiscation order” paints the most lurid image in our minds, it is the slow, meticulous strangulation of individual liberties that has proven to produce the most enduring results.

The two methods are sold to the public under the same pretenses of safety and order.  However, the incremental method is less alarming to the public, meaning it will cause less likelihood of resistance.   Over time, the tremendous restrictions on what was once called an inalienable right begin to seem normal to the average government-educated citizen.

It begins with laws similar to those already being passed in certain states:  owning firearms requires registration; carrying requires a permit; certain guns are banned; certain magazines and accessories are banned; certain ammunition types are banned; lists of “prohibited persons” are created.   Violations of such arbitrary rules often result in felony charges and years in prison — and a lifetime revocation of rights.

The growing list of gun control measures provides a basis to sic the enforcers on the citizens.  The oppression of citizens’ constitutionally enumerated rights becomes normalized for both the cops and those affected by the law.

To understand what comes next, look at the War on Drugs. One by one, people will be investigated and arrested for breaking the law.

Don’t expect militias to gloriously repel the tyranny. More likely, it will be a collection of seemingly isolated stories of people getting SWAT-teamed in the middle of the night.

Many innocent people will have their lives ruined, spend thousands of dollars getting wrung through the court system, spend years in prison, and live as life-long felons.  To boot, they never again have a vote to change the system.

People will read about it in the newspaper and rationalize the tyranny like they always have. “They shouldn’t have broken the law,” they’ll say. “If you don’t like our laws, move to Somalia.”

And things will go on like that, and it will become normal. People will wave their flags and sing songs about how free they are, as their fellow citizens rot in prison for doing nothing more than exercising their right to keep and bearing arms.

This strategy has worked effectively for decades in the War on Drugs.  If cops can be convinced to kick in doors and raid homes over plant leaves and other arbitrary drug contraband, they can certainly be convinced to do the same for so-called caches of “assault weapons” and “illegal guns.”

Observe what American cops are willing to do to keep people from getting high:

It Has Already Begun

The incremental method of subverting the right to bear arms is well underway.   All of the aforementioned gun control laws are already in place in many states.  The normalization process has begun.

Connecticut now demands gun owners register their weapons or become felons.  A new law prohibits over 100 firearm models, 10+ round magazines, and certain bullets.  It also prohibits private sales of guns without reporting to the government and creates a database of people denied their rights without due process (medical reasons).

The highly restrictive state of New York makes it a crime to load more than 7 bullets in a magazine.  New York City cops are working to disarm specifically targeted of gun owners for arbitrary reasons determined by the government.

California has its own team of full-time gun confiscation agents that go address to address seizing guns from those people the state considers “prohibited persons.”

In Washington D.C., a businessman named Mark Witaschek recently suffered a violent SWAT team raid on his family because the government claimed he had “unregistered ammunition.”

In New Jersey, a man named Brian Aitken had his world destroyed and parental rights destroyed when he was convicted of keeping his legally owned property in his vehicle for too long.  In Massachusetts, a college student is currently facing up to 10 years in prison for simply owning a standard rifle magazine.

In these states and more, what should be viewed as a sacred right has been eroded down to a retractable privilege issued by the government.  The laws Americans are being acclimated to today will someday make it easy for government to commit a mass-collection of firearms when the next opportunity arises.


18 thoughts on “What would a large-scale gun confiscation look like?

  1. What would it look like,very ugly/bloody/beginning of a revolution/civil war/break apart the thin veneer of civility in this country,hell,a lot of things,none good though perhaps long term may lead to good if the country and it’s citizens finally stand up and say enuff.Few in the beginning would but as folks saw friends/family and even strangers being abused and saw things breaking down believe one way or another many would fight back and gum up the gears of tyranny any way they could.I believe at this point also many folks would realize that firearms are but one small weapon in the fight against oppresion,will leave it at that.

  2. Sadly, the article rings of truth …….till now.
    These days, folks will not be rode this way
    any longer, without fighting back.
    As the article states, there have been many
    times when, “We The People” have been
    abused concerning this topic.
    But the article fails to mention the results of
    the first event. The people said NO !
    And a Republic was born.
    This can, and IS happening again.
    The Marxist states that have induced
    incrementalism, are about to find this out.
    As stated here one several occasions, their time of
    running rough shod over the people of this Republic
    is about to come to an end….abruptly.
    Just as it did in 1775.

  3. This countries somewhat law abiding police and military in the past,has become a Stasi and SS thug organization.All police don’t behave this way,but when this behavior is allowed it spreads like a cancer.We the people should demand our representatives and O Bummer put a stop to militarizing our police forces.This looks exactly like O Bummer’s private force he campaigned on in the 2008 primaries.

  4. Drugs don’t keep us free or offer us a means to fight tyranny. The argument is deeply flawed. Plenty of Constitutionally minded people (not drug users or dealers) have made preparations already and have for years. One prepared guy will fight back against a small army of swat and win! It’ll be all over then.

  5. numbers, numbers, numbers.

    Please consider how many troops they have. Then subtract the troops that want no part of this, and then consider how many doors they have to kick in just to grab a small percentage of the guns in this country.

    Going “door to door” to confiscate guns in this country is impossible, unless you’re only interested in disarming a few small towns.

    If this door-to-door gun confiscation starts near you, you’ll need to arm up, and get out of the house. Not being home is your best defense, and also your best offense. I wouldn’t advise taking on a SWAT team that has your house surrounded, because you’ll most likely wind up dead, and of no use to anyone.

    By now you should have your battle guns well hidden, and if it starts at your house, tell them you have no guns, or turn in an old .22 or something to get them to leave, and leave you alone. When they drive away, dig up your real guns and don’t let them do this to your neighbor.

    Some people prefer the approach taking out a couple SWAT team members, and fighting to the death to avoid having a gun confiscated, but I’m of the opinion that it’s more important to keep the soldier alive and free, so he can round up another gun to fight back with. Most people have more guns than they can use at any one time, and they’ll be happy to arm a fellow freedom fighter. Stay alive, and stay in the fight.

    If you can’t bury guns underground where you are, you can remove one board of sheet-rock from the wall, and fit several guns and tons of ammo between the studs, and keep one shotgun loose, and ready for home-defense. If a SWAT team comes to your house, give up the shotgun, let them leave, and then pull the heavy artillery out of the wall.

    That makes sense to me, but like I said, some people are of the opinion that you should die to take out a few SWAT team members. I think we have a lot more guns than soldiers, so people should endeavor to survive by letting the SWAT team drive away with you alive, and then attack them from the rear.

    Use the same deceit they’re constantly using on you.

    1. And even if you are successful at killing off a few SWAT team members, they’ll only be replaced with new idiots, because everyone is desperate for any job they can get these days.

      1. Got to disagree with you here, Jolly. If a SWAT teams comes at you, they are not just going to take your gun and leave. And one place you do not want to be when this breaks out is behind the wire. They will make sure you do not retrieve another gun to fight another day.
        At every instance we must fight like demons straight out of hell. They come at your house, you kill every goddamn one of them you can. The supposition that they will just replace the ones you kill, I’m sorry brother but it is horse shit, as this is where our numbers will shut them down, exponentially. The harder we fight right out the gate, the less of us that will have to die, and they are not just going to come and confiscate a hundred million firearms, one at a time with SWAT team raids at 3:00 in the morning. They do not have the time, nor the man power. Their intent is to cow us with brutality and that plan is doomed, as we will meet their brutality with a superior brutality that our people are the most capable of.
        Bottom line, use it or lose it. Otherwise, “Oh, how we burned in the camps”.

        1. yes. I’ll agree that you’re right about people like you and me, because we’re obvious “trouble makers” that will definitely never see the light of day again if we’re arrested, but I think the average unknown, and anonymous American would be wiser to lay low until they leave, because they can’t arrest everyone.

          I guess people will have to make that decision based on their chance of being hauled away, or only having one expendable gun confiscated.

          1. Everyone has a different idea of how it will go down. If they are able to make examples of some of the more outspoken people, they may think that they can stop any resistance. If we come out strong in the beginning and fight like wolves, they will lose control and we will win. If we sit back and wait for the opportunity to present itself, we will have a hard time. I hope that when it starts, Americans rise up quickly to show our resolve and prove that we will not be ruled. If they try to put a boot on your neck, rip their foot off and feed it to them. If they kill one Patriot, we kill ten of them.
            That song March of Cambreadth fits perfect.

          2. Again, I must disagree. If they start straight up confiscation, they will gather all of the Form 4473’s, that is those they don’t already have in their computers. And if the guns are not with the people they are supposed to be, those people will undergo enhanced interrogation until they reveal where those guns are and then they will go straight to the FEMA camp under the charge of providing false information to a Chekist officer.
            People are going to have to nut up. Read my article in the morning, I think I’ll cover this issue with clear indications of how I believe we should respond.

      2. Are you sayin` JR that because people are desparate for a job that they will be bought off and become swat or something else like that?, cause if that is what you are sayin` then those types are scum bag turn coats that need to be done in anyway.

        1. you’re right, Digger. But there will probably be a lot of them willing to be turncoats. The people we refer to as being “asleep” could amount to as many as a hundred million people, who will be looking for work. How many turncoats there are depends on how successful we are at waking them up.

          Also, like Bulldog said, we not sure right now how it will go down, so we’ll have to assess the situation as it unfolds.

          Are they confiscating guns only, or rounding up people in large numbers? From a strategic standpoint, being in your house and surrounded doesn’t give you good odds, but if they’re rounding up large numbers of people, they’re all going to be killed anyway, so it’s best to take a few with you.

          If they’re only grabbing a few guns that they know exist, I think it’s best save the soldier so he can fight back with the guns they don’t know exist.

          The Solzhenitsyn quote about “burning in the camps” refers to large numbers of people being rounded up. In New Orleans, they grabbed guns that people confessed to having, and moved on.

          These are two different scenarios that demand different responses.

          1. And Henry’s right, too. If they’re going to start rounding people up based on 4473’s, or other info, then it’s best to stop ’em in their tracks.

            Again, I think we’re going to have to see what they do before we know how to respond properly.

          2. Yes JR, for every different way the ptb try to get our weapons there is a different way to respond.
            I reccomend that people also study up on alternative weapons too.
            Alternate weapons however usually are very grusome and up close such as knives and garrots ya know, things like that. Hand to hand combat too would be good if physically fit enough to do it.

            When the time comes there will be no rules for fighting back at the enemy. All is fair in times of war.

          3. @ 10:02 JR. Remember that when their day is over that they are still cops and swat members and they still think and associate with their team mates. Yes they will still plan what they are going to do tomorrow .

          4. digger,
            Amen on that. No rules is 100% correct. Fight and win. I used to tell my tank crews never fight fair. Beat them with a shovel if that is what it takes to win. Shoot until the target changes form, then shoot again.

  6. Ah, gradualism….that ol’ meme that has worked for the criminal psychopathic elites for maybe thousands of years and still works to some extent in some instances, but is not working as well as it used to because more and more folks are drawing their lines in the sand so to speak (because they only gradualize so much before the velvet glove comes off)…and as gradualism is working less effectively the elites have had to ramp up the oppression to the point that now many more are driven to fight back. But the elites (being psychopaths) will not be able to handle it except brute force of course, which will cause most to fight back (the ones who don’t are gonners anyway) and maybe what is happening in CT will tell what will happen next, but I think the elites are blowing it…all because they have given up on gradualism, which had worked so well for them.

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