When They Come For A Trencher You Can Bet The War Has Started

Just to reiterate what John mentioned on the show today, it’s important that we all are going into this with our eyes and ears and brains wide open. We here, every one of us, not just Henry or John, but all of us will be squeezed by the enemy, some maybe worse than others, but squeezed, possibly detained, locked up and possibly tortured in some form.

Now, I don’t mean to sit here and write these words to try and disparage, scare or intimidate anybody here in anyway, it’s just a fact. We all have to be ready for it when and if the time comes, it’s a fact of life here on this site, our site.

We here don’t give these commies an inch, we never have, and will go on taking these bastards apart anyway possible, doing this knowing the consequences. We here don’t hide from anything, we call it like we see it, and that puts us ALL in the hot seat.

Henry and John along with many more have been doing this for years, and will continue to do so knowing the possible consequence, simple as that. We simply don’t give a damn because the reinstatement of our Bill of Rights is just too damn important.

4 thoughts on “When They Come For A Trencher You Can Bet The War Has Started

  1. ¡No quarter!
    I’ll burn in hell for my actions long before I’ll let another man step on my…. Anything.

    My close neighbors know what I’ll be doing when Jack boots try anything on my road. And that goes for where ever I’m at. Pick your battles and be ready to give them hell. Don’t be alone when they come for you.

    1. Thats right ED, They have already used their circus clown Higbee to throw a round at Henry. Couldn’t touch him because Henry was too damn smart, something for us all to think about, goddamn proud of him, always have been and always will be.

      Higbee got a small taste…LOL

  2. Your words of pure reality made me cry, Mark. I usually stay strong but sometimes I just understand why creation gives us tear-ducts. And as sad as it makes me to think of all the good people here who will have to suffer, I vow to do my part. I remember my dad always telling me, “You gotta do the best you can.” What more is there? Me and mine will do the best we can.

    Oh God, I want us all to be okay, but I guess I can take comfort just in knowing there are those who won’t back down, who will live their conscience, and who will give themselves wholeheartedly to the fight for freedom. I am so blessed to be among all of you.

    Here are two quotes I just came across:

    “You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”
    — Aristotle

    “One day many will hang their heads in shame when they realize the evil they defended and the heroes they ridiculed.”
    — Author Unknown


  3. I am sorry for your loss, JD, and for what you have had to endure. But I am honored to be at your side.


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