Why Have Insect-Delivered Diseases Tripled Since 2004?

Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich

In May of 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published some rather interesting demographic data regarding insect-delivered diseases – basically those diseases have tripled since 2004 [1-2]!  


According to the CDC, “Nine new germs spread by mosquitoes and ticks have been discovered or introduced since 2004.”  Chikungunya and Zika viruses, even though not ‘new’ and have been around elsewhere, are relatively new to the USA.

The question this author, who is/has been a healthcare issues researcher and writer since the 1980s, logically and somewhat conclusively, has to ask is, “What roles do chemtrails sprayings for Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) and the genetic modification of insects, including diseases, to be genetically modified and used as “weapons of war,[1]” play in the tripling of vector-borne diseases?”

[1] Also known as Entomological warfare (biological warfare) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entomological_warfare




Furthermore, we need to consider, and factor into the tripling of vector-borne disease, those ‘contrails’ – actually “chemtrails” – in the sky since laboratory analyses have reported incriminating findings, as reported by Stop Spraying California:

What Do Chemtrails Contain?

Independent tests across the U. S. have shown chemtrails to contain the following substances:

Aluminum (known to cause tinnitus)
Barium salts
Cadium [should be Cadmium] Desiccated human blood cells *
Ethylene dibromide
Mold spores *
Mycoplasma *
Polymer fibers
Radio cesium
Sharp titanium shards
Stonthium [should be Strontium] Submicron particles
Unidentified living bacteria *
And many other toxins

The above asterisked “desiccated human blood cells, mold spores, mycoplasma, and unidentified living bacteria” unquestionably have to play some biological, biochemical and physiological role(s) in wildlife, including insects, and humans!  If anything, every living organism must be breathing them into their metabolic ecosystem.

Also what needs to be factored into the above multi-media-mix are rabies vaccines dropped from planes to control wildlife outbreaks [3].


Additionally, what further needs to be considered, but probably is overlooked in the zeal of using high tech ‘solutions’, is flying insects are attracted to those smelly rabies vaccines.  Insects ‘inspecting’ those vaccines undoubtedly can become infected with the impregnated disease organisms within the vaccines, which may reprogram and modify ‘visiting’ vector insects own-venom-producing enzyme systems for more potent lethality or, inadvertently, making them into flying “communicable disease” carriers and progenerators.  Something to think about, CDC, if you haven’t, I suggest.

What to do about the problem of insect-carrying-diseases

As a retired healthcare professional and current health issues researcher/writer, my number one suggestion is to fortify your immune system in every conceivable way, but specifically by removing all toxic chemical exposures wherever you may find them, especially in your home environment: fluoridated water, toxic bug sprays, genetically modified ‘phood’, chemical lawn ‘enhancements’, AND exposure to electromagnetic frequencies such as cell phone RFs and Wi-Fi [4], which negatively impact human DNA.

Man-made chemicals negatively impact human health [5] by compromising the immune system.

Eat more nutritiously.  It is summertime in the Northern Hemisphere; a perfect time for eating locally- and organically-grown fruits and vegetables; the more the better.  Fruits and veggies contain ‘boatloads’ of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients whose purpose is to enhance the immune system and ATP production [6] at cellular level. Adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP), is the principle molecule for storing and transferring energy in cells.” [6]

Vector control ought to be a prime summer activity, especially now that you know what’s going on with the dramatic increase of bug-bite diseases.  Eliminate all standing water containers to discourage mosquito and insect breading grounds.

Use proper clothing protection when out in Nature.  Wear long sleeve shirts and hats that have flaps covering the back of your neck.  NO shorts; only long pants that you tuck inside your socks so that critters CANNOT crawl up your leg after they jump onto your shoes and socks.  Do the same when mowing lawns.

Insect-avoidance balms ought to be used; however, I personally do not recommend any DEET-containing products [7]. DEET is a potentially-toxic chemical [8] and, as such, negatively impacts your liver and immune system.  “High doses or long-term exposure to DEET have been associated with neurological damage [8].”

Health impacts

All spiders must be included in the above milieu, as their bites can be very serious since spiders have venom to kill their prey.  Some of the short-range health impacts from insect bites can be:

  • Swelling and or infection at bite site
  • Site pain and itching; don’t scratch!
  • Fever; sweats at night during sleep
  • Debilitating bone pain similar to those pains during the flu (influenza)
  • Lack of appetite and weight loss
  • Avoid dehydration

Long-term health effects can be numerous, especially with Lyme disease, i.e., neurological and rheumatic-like effects.

Beware of insect bites!


[1] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/05/02/tick-mosquito-flea-illnesses-have-tripled-and-u-s-isnt-prepared-cdc-says/572153002/
[2] https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/vector-borne/index.html
[3] http://marfapublicradio.org/blog/dropping-pungent-rabies-vaccines-from-the-air-bring-some-candy/
[4] https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/10-shocking-facts-health-dangers-wifi/
[5] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-chemicals/man-made-chemicals-cited-in-health-scourges-un-report-idUSBRE91I0NJ20130219
[6] https://www.nature.com/scitable/definition/atp-318
[7] http://www.naturallivingideas.com/deet-dangers/
[8] https://www.thoughtco.com/chemistry-of-deet-602177

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available.

Activist Post

39 thoughts on “Why Have Insect-Delivered Diseases Tripled Since 2004?

    1. my friend down in texas took two lone star ticks off himself yesterday…no bites thankfully…but that specie of tick can cause one to develop a red meat allergy….yikes!

  1. I’m up to 18 ticks pulled off of me this year, and only 17 off the dog. (I’m winning!!!….but only because I find them on me sooner). I lived here for 3 years without ever seeing a tick, and now 20 ticks per year is the norm.

    Lotta speculation in the article about what might be causing the sharp increase, and I guess we may never have real proof, so speculation is all we may ever get. One thing’s for sure, and that’s that it is not a natural occurrence.

    Another thing that’s for sure is that disease transmission via the insect world is a great way to knock off millions of people. (bubonic plague was spread by fleas)

    The author gives good advice at keeping your immune system functioning at its best, and that may be the best defense you have.

      1. nah…. I feel ’em crawling on me, rip ’em off, and burn ’em alive in pliers. Only one was attached because it was on my back where I couldn’t reach it, but it wasn’t attached for very long. (I got it with the pasta claw)

        I don’t know about the new diseases they’re spreading, but a tick has to be attached for 24 hours before it can transmit Lyme disease.

        And I thought Neem oil was for plants….but I guess it would work on humans, too. Maybe I’ll try it if it’s not toxic. Thanks for the tip, Mary.

        I was braving the bug world because I thought my only option was DEET, but Neem oil might be doable.

    1. Ok, you keep it up with the speculation while ignoring the scientific facts of geo engineering and entomology warfare use of insects

      1. you are spot on skywalker………everything is a weapon……..and it works both ways 🙂

        1. NOT IF I SAY SO; is that the best you’ve got to deflect from facts? have you not checked into Bayer and Monsanto becoming one company after Bayer bought out Monsanto? not only that, they hold their testing in third world countries before releasing their evil here—-WAKE UP ALREADY

          1. Come on…
            Mark is definitely AWAKE.
            There is absolutely no need for in fighting. We are on the same side.
            You are Both correct.
            Yes, they are created here… Yes, they are created in other countries… and, Yes, they hitchhike here in produce/various loads transported by truckers, as well as being created and released here.
            It is fact..we all know it… Common Sense…it ain’t Rocket Science.

          2. I rarely get a call from Angel concerning comments on FTT, but this is one of those times. I’ve been following your comments from the beginning (don’t feel special, I follow virtually ALL the posters’ comments here), and here’s my take… you talk a good game, but I strongly suspect you don’t know half of what you purport to. I believe you relish presenting yourself as highly knowledgeable on a plethora of subjects, but it’s merely a facade.

            To attack a long-time poster such as Mark or Angel is the epitome of stupidity if you have any plans to continue posting here, and I’m not referring to his threat. It’s entirely up to Henry, it’s not Mark’s call – but there’s something you should know. Mark actually helped Henry & Laura START this site… so how kindly do you think Henry will take to you badmouthing Mark? That aside, Angel is one of only 5 posters who have been posting here longer than I have, and it’s been over 6 years for me, so badmouthing her is highly inadvisable as well… she’s highly thought of here, so if your intent is to alienate the rest of the Trenchers, you’re off to a helluva good start.

            We’re not here to fix stupid, but we will definitely point it out.

            Repeatedly, if necessary.

            Now, that said… thanks for f%&king up my evening.

  2. i.m not fighting with anyone. common sense tells us these are world wide corporations, since you want to be a lawyer/mouthpiece for him. AS I ALREADY STATED; COMMON SENSE. sorry if youre offended for him

      1. thank you for pointing that out and i thank you for your insipid and pusillanimous point of view—thanks again , i bow down to your superiority…

        1. Can dish it out, but can’t take it, huh?

          Go cry me a river… I’m done wasting my time with you. I had better things to do before Angel called.

  3. oh, so i’m censored and not allowed to reply under threat of being banned. thanks, so much for a free thought site. i’m not your enemy but you are making threats because i have a different opinion than you. do as you will. as you just proved where you come from—THANKS FOR THE INSIGHT

    1. Listen, your a smart guy, point is, so are we. Respect that, this site hangs on that balance. We start cutting people down, nothing gets accomplished, words matter, this site is special in that we’re all family here. Let’s try and contribute and write it that way.

      These goddamn insects have been brought here, raised here and to this day are multiplying here by huge numbers, thank you NAFTA, GAT and yes, thank you US corporations for fkg us all in the ass, for nothing more than a fiat dollar.

      To an extent, I’m at fault, I haul these little bastards around the country, I have to live with that.

      1. SORRY, YOU LOST ME AFTER YOUR THREAT OF BEING BANNED. conversation ended cause you’re the only one that’s correct and my opinion does not count—-THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR FEEDBACK.

        1. Ok slick, have it your way. I usually at this point, write you clowns off to inbreeding, and bad drugs. I hereby relieve myself from this ass wipe conversation, I have this SKYWALKER tick crawling up my ass.

          1. ll you are doing is deflecting from the post and not adding anything of substance except for your being argumentative because others have different views than you indoctrinated ones, but thanks as you gave me a lesson asininity. THANKS AGAIN AND HAVE A GREAT DAY AND I APPRECIATE YOUR INSULT WHICH PROVES WHO AND WHAT YOU ARE

  4. Jeez. … and I thought just getting crabs was bad enough.

    Pretty soon these ticks and mosquitos will give you gonorrhea and chlamydia.

    This comment was brought to you by….

    Hartz Flea and tick collar products.

    At hartz… we just poison your pet to death…

    Then that nasty infested tick and flea carrier problem is gone.
    Providing you fast and effective relief.

    We’ll be right back after these messages.

  5. All this b.s., and do you want to know the main reason I sent this one in?

    ” What Do Chemtrails Contain?

    Independent tests across the U. S. have shown chemtrails to contain the following substances:

    Aluminum (known to cause tinnitus)
    Barium salts
    Cadium [should be Cadmium] Desiccated human blood cells *
    Ethylene dibromide
    Mold spores *
    Mycoplasma *
    Polymer fibers
    Radio cesium
    Sharp titanium shards
    Stonthium [should be Strontium] Submicron particles
    Unidentified living bacteria *
    And many other toxins”

    Go figure… no one even mentioned it.

    1. TRUE but i thought the post was narrowed down to a specific, otherwise we could go on forever with what they do to us

  6. Years ago, X-Files…responded honey bees…small pox if I remember correctly. The idea has been around a long time, even in Hollywood.

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