Will Marco Rubio Capture the Vice-Presidency for the Hispanic Invasion

Will Mitt Romney name Marco Rubio as his running mate for 2012?  This is the big question in the mainstream media as half of this nation still has yet to vote on whether Mitt Romney will be the GOP candidate.  This is not a free election.  It is corporate dictate through the corporate owned Republican Party.

Marco Rubio is a Hispanic American who is a key agitator in the foreign insurgency.  It is being reported that the Hispanic voting bloc represents 50 million in the United States and these people put the interests of the countries from which they have come before those of the United States.  They are fully supported by the insurgency.  They are demanding immigration reform.

When foreign nationals illegally cross our borders by the millions, this is not immigration, it is invasion.  The socialist insurgents within try to justify this invasion by saying, “These are poor people and they are just doing what they have to to support their families.”  What they fail to mention is the fact that what they are taking from this country for their families is taken from US nationals and our families.

Growth in employment for Hispanics is growing at a higher rate than for any other group.  Translated, this means illegals are coming into this country and acquiring our jobs at a higher rate than our own people coming out of high school and college and entering the work force.

The Supreme Court will begin arguing Arizona’s immigration law on Wednesday, and as these traitors in the Supreme Court were put there by the insurgents it is hard to believe that they will find in favor of the people of Arizona.

Let’s look at this for what it really is, an unconstitutional insurgent government bringing the State of Arizona into its court to decide whether its invasion will be allowed to continue unchallenged.  The fact that these invaders continue to poor over our southern border is a slap in the face to every American citizen.

The corporate interests say the Arizona law is hurting their business because they cannot hire the people they need.  What they are really saying is they need a work force that does not consist of Americans.  Why?  Cheap labor.  You see they don’t have to pay the invaders anything resembling a living wage.  They do not have to provide them with health care as that burden is dumped on the American taxpayers who haven’t lost their jobs yet to a foreigner.  And the reduced wage they pay these invaders is subsidized by the American people through the food stamp program.

We have a right to not only stop this invasion but to expel every so called Latino that has entered our country via the policies put forth by this illegitimate government over the past 40 years.

We are now seeing these Latinos coming onto the mainstream media and being provided a forum that a 7th generation American national is not.  We have beaten these Latino invaders out of our country twice in the past and we are going to have to do so again.  And the longer we wait the worse the problem will get and the more of us that are going to have to die in taking down this insurgency.

I believe the only reason the insurgents haven’t come after our firearms yet is that, why should they, as we are showing no capacity to use them to stop their invasion.  And if things go on the way they are, at some point we will be completely displaced, at which time we will sell our firearms for pennies to acquire a little food in the third world hellhole our once great nation will have become.

2 thoughts on “Will Marco Rubio Capture the Vice-Presidency for the Hispanic Invasion

  1. I want to see the rundown on Rubio’s personal financial portfolio. I want to see a report every three months. What has come in and what is going out. I want to see any big lifestyle changes this wanna be oligarch is going to have given to him if elected Vice-Lordship…….

    Keep a close eye on this illegal alien loving come out of nowhere traitor to our Constitution.

  2. The citizens of the country have allowed an illegal alien to be elected President. They have allowed the International Corporate Mafia to buy the seats in the House and Senate. Is it really any wonder so many illegals come running here? Illegal aliens are like any other criminal. They would not tolerate Americans invading their countries. I say deport them all, to do anything less is to reward breaking the law.

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